Category:17th century
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Pages in category "17th century"
The following 135 pages are in this category, out of 335 total.
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- Religious Conflict and Toleration in the Early Modern World (seminar)
- Renaissance Books, Midwestern Libraries
- Renaissance Paleography in England (skills course)
- Renaissance Paleography in England: An Intermediate Skills Course
- Researching the Archive (seminar)
- Researching the Renaissance (seminar)
- Researching Theatre History (seminar)
- Reuniting Pamphlets, Restoring Provenance
- Rewriting the Elizabethan Stage (seminar)
- Richard Hoyle
- Richard Smyth (1590-1675)
- Ritual and Ceremony from Late-Medieval Europe to Early America (NEH Summer Institute)
- Salvation
- Scholars' insights on Lost at Sea
- Scholars' insights on Nobility and Newcomers in Renaissance Ireland
- Scholars' insights on Open City: London, 1500–1700
- Scholars' insights on Shakespeare's Sisters: Voices of English and European Women Writers, 1500-1700
- Scholars' insights on Shakespeare's the Thing
- Seeing What Shakespeare Means
- Sexuality, Theory, History, Drama (seminar)
- Shakespeare and Postmodernism (seminar)
- Shakespeare and Sacraments (seminar)
- Shakespeare and the History of Taste
- Shakespeare in Africa
- Shakespeare in American Education, 1607–1934 (conference)
- Shakespeare in American Life
- Shakespeare in American Life exhibition item list
- Shakespeare on Screen in Theory and Practice (seminar)
- Shakespeare Quartos at the Folger
- Shakespeare's Birthday Lecture: "Elizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scots"
- Shakespeare's Birthday Lecture: "Graymalkin and Other Shakespearean Celts"
- Shakespeare's Birthday Lecture: "How Shakespeare Made History"
- Shakespeare's Birthday Lecture: "Sensational Shakespeare"
- Shakespeare's Birthday Lecture: "The Good Life in Shakespeare"
- Shakespeare's Sisters children's exhibition
- Shakespeare's Sisters exhibition material
- Shakespeare's Sisters: Voices of English and European Women Writers, 1500-1700
- Shakespeare's Texts in Action
- Shakespeare, Jewishness, and English Cultural Identity (seminar)
- Shakespeare, Life of an Icon Exhibition Material
- Sites of Cultural Stress from Reformation to Revolution (NEH Institute)
- Small Latin and less Greek: A WhanThatAprilleDay pop-up exhibit
- Society and the Supernatural in Early Modern Europe (seminar)
- Sounds and Sweet Ayres (2004)
- Staging Political Thought (seminar)
- STC and Wing call numbers
- Stile Antico (Presented by Folger Consort, 2011)
- Summer Vibes
- Technologies of Writing (seminar)
- Technologies of Writing children's exhibition
- Technologies of Writing in the Age of Print
- Tempest (2010)
- Texts of Imagination and Empire: The Founding of Jamestown in its Atlantic Context
- The Ashbourne portrait
- The Commonplace book of Matthew Day ca.1650 V.a.160 pages 2, 3, 4 and 5
- The Countess of Montgomery's Urania
- The Development of Poetry from Wyatt to Donne (seminar)
- The Discouerie of Witchcraft in the Vaults
- The Early Modern Bible (seminar)
- The Early Modern Book (seminar)
- The Early Modern Book in a Digital Age (seminar)
- The Early Modern Hellespont: Crossroads between East and West
- The Elizabethan Muse: William Shakespeare, William Byrd, and John Dowland (2007)
- The English Reformation, 1500–1640: One or Many? (seminar)
- The Enlightenment and its Others: Irish, British, and American Visions (seminar)
- The Fairy Queen (2007)
- The famous histories of the seven champions of Christendom V.a.139
- The Famous histories of the Seven Champions of Christendom V.a.139
- The Fate of Rhetoric in Early Modern England (seminar)
- The Festive Renaissance: Illustrated Books from the Colt Collection
- The Foundations of Modern International Thought, 1494–1713 (seminar)
- The Four Seasons: Antonio Vivaldi, Christopher Simpson & John Cage (2011)
- The Graphic Revolution in Early Modern Europe: The Politics and Technologies of Representations in the Visual, Literary, and Theatrical Arts from 1400 to 1660
- The Handwritten Worlds of Early Modem England
- The History of the Stationers' Company 1557–1710 (seminar)
- The Impact of the Ottoman Empire on Early Modern Europe: From 1453 to the Death of Ahmed I (conference)
- The Inconstant Lady ca.1630 J.b.1 2v-3r
- The Jesuit Enterprises (seminar)
- The Making of Paradise Lost (seminar)
- The Making of Shakespeare(s) (seminar)
- The Mental World of Restoration England (seminar)
- The Mental World of Stuart Catholicism (seminar)
- The Merry Wives of Windsor
- The Mothers Blessing by Dorothy Leigh
- The Night of the Burning Pestle (Shenandoah Shakespeare Express, 1999)
- The Novel and La Mode: Marketing Novelties 1670–1720 (seminar)
- The Pen's Excellencie
- The Phoenix and the Turtle
- The Problem of an Intellectual History for Shakespeare's Age
- The Putney Debates, 1647 (conference)
- The Reader Revealed
- The Songbird (2012)
- The Spanish Connection (seminar)
- The State and Literary Production in Early Modern Europe (seminar)
- The Taming of the Shrew (Folger Theatre, 2012)
- The Technical Manual
- The Tempest
- The Tempest (Folger Theatre, 2000)
- The Tempest (Folger Theatre, 2007)
- The Theatre in History: The Social Function of Renaissance Dramatic Genres
- The Three Kingdoms in an Age of Revolution, 1660–1720 (seminar)
- The Two Noble Kinsmen
- The University Cultures of Early Modern Oxford and Cambridge (seminar)
- The Voice of Conscience, 1375–1613 (seminar)
- The will of Edward Grant, 1601 Z.e.40 (4)
- The Winter's Tale
- The Winter's Tale (Folger Theatre, 2009)
- Theatre and the Reformation of Space (symposium)
- Theatrical Commerce and the Repertory System in Early Modern England (seminar)
- Thinking about Poetic Genres in the Early Modern Period (seminar)
- This Boke is Myne exhibition material
- Thys Boke is Myne
- Timon of Athens
- To Sleep, Perchance to Dream
- To Sleep, Perchance to Dream children's exhibition
- Troilus and Cressida
- Twelfth Night
- Twelfth Night (Folger Theatre, 2003)
- Twelfth Night (Folger Theatre, 2013)
- Wenceslaus Hollar
- William Shakespeare's sonnets
- Women Intellectuals and Political Ideology in Seventeenth-Century England (seminar)
- Women on the Verge of Science: Gender and Knowledge in Early Modern Europe (seminar)
- Word & Image: The Trevelyon Miscellany of 1608
- Works of Margherita Costa in the Folger Collection
- Writing and Wonder: Books, Memory, and Imagination in Early Modern Europe (seminar)
- Writing Down Experience: How-To Books and Artisanal Epistemology (seminar)
- Writing on Hands: Memory and Knowledge in Early Modern Europe