Uploads by RachelDankert

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
17:00, 28 February 2014 PR2752 1802 copy 2 vol.1 Sh. Col. facing p. 53.JPG (file) 17 KB Watercolor by Samuel Hieronymous Grimm, v.1 The Tempest. 1
17:02, 28 February 2014 PR2752 1802 copy 2 vol.1 Sh. Col. facing p. 53.jpg (file) 17 KB   1
09:34, 9 April 2014 Booth Hamlet playbill.JPG (file) 54 KB Image from LUNA URL http://luna.folger.edu/luna/servlet/s/50389p 1
10:20, 9 April 2014 ORR looking east.JPG (file) 244 KB http://luna.folger.edu/luna/servlet/s/1j3mtf 1
08:51, 21 April 2014 First Folio luna.JPG (file) 18 KB   1
08:36, 11 June 2014 Folger Fellow publications.pdf (file) 168 KB full list (2014-6-11) of publications by long and short-term folger fellows 1
15:02, 12 June 2014 Armitage.pdf (file) 19 KB The Foundations of Modern International Thought 1494–1713 1
15:06, 12 June 2014 Brummitt.pdf (file) 97 KB Constantinople/Istanbul: Destination, Way-Station, City of Renegades 1
15:08, 12 June 2014 Coletti.pdf (file) 44 KB Periodization and its Discontents: Medieval and Early Modern Pathways in Literature 1
15:09, 12 June 2014 Daston.pdf (file) 58 KB Observation in Early Modern Europe 1
15:11, 12 June 2014 Ezell.pdf (file) 213 KB Acquiring Education: Early Modern Women's Pedagogies 1
15:12, 12 June 2014 Findlen.pdf (file) 43 KB Women on the Verge of Science: Gender and Knowledge in Early Modern Europe 1
15:13, 12 June 2014 Halliday.pdf (file) 123 KB Law as Politics in England and the Empire, ca. 1600-1830 1
15:13, 12 June 2014 Hill.pdf (file) 29 KB The Theory and Practice of Scholarly Editing 1
15:14, 12 June 2014 MacCullogh.pdf (file) 56 KB The English Reformation, 1500-1640: One or Many? 1
15:15, 12 June 2014 Mowat.pdf (file) 13 KB Theory and Practice of Editing 1
15:16, 12 June 2014 Muldrew.pdf (file) 39 KB Connections, Trust, and Causation in Economic History 1
15:17, 12 June 2014 Norton.pdf (file) 152 KB Entangled Trajectories: Integrating European and Native American Histories 1
15:19, 12 June 2014 Perry.pdf (file) 18 KB Ballads, Broadsides, and Eighteenth-Century Culture 1
15:21, 12 June 2014 Pocock.pdf (file) 251 KB 1603: Kingship Renewed 1
15:21, 12 June 2014 Traub.pdf (file) 22 KB Early Modern Embodiment 1
15:22, 12 June 2014 Tribble.pdf (file) 20 KB The Early Modern Book in a Digital Age 1
15:23, 12 June 2014 Tyacke.pdf (file) 33 KB The University Cultures of Early Modern Oxford and Cambridge 1
15:23, 12 June 2014 Vaughan.pdf (file) 65 KB Emerging Ethnographies in Shakespeare's England 1
15:24, 12 June 2014 Walker.pdf (file) 25 KB Mutualities and Obligations: Social Relationships in Early Modern England 1
15:27, 12 June 2014 Wrightson.pdf (file) 25 KB Mutualities and Obligations: Social Relationships in Early Modern England 1
13:00, 16 June 2014 Cymbeline fiasco theatre 14.JPG (file) 47 KB Image from Fiasco Theater production of Cymbeline, June 2014 1
09:37, 17 June 2014 003247.jpg (file) 118 KB Elizabethan theater stage at the Folger. LUNA link http://luna.folger.edu/luna/servlet/s/bj5976 1
09:39, 17 June 2014 003249.jpg (file) 121 KB Elizabethan theater at the Folger. LUNA link http://luna.folger.edu/luna/servlet/s/44b671 1
08:35, 23 June 2014 Two gentlemen fiasco 2014.jpg (file) 70 KB Production photo from Two Gentlemen of Verona by Fiasco Theatre 2014 1
13:38, 9 July 2014 Stella - Jeux d'enfants 43 - La Fronde, F17BOU005421 (1).jpg (file) 78 KB   1
10:47, 10 July 2014 Annotated Moreau list.pdf (file) 171 KB   1
10:48, 10 July 2014 Folger Mazarinades listed in Lindsay and Neu.pdf (file) 82 KB   1
14:59, 29 July 2014 003128.jpg (file) 112 KB Prince Henry's Cicero, De Officis 1502 http://luna.folger.edu/luna/servlet/s/awun3i 1
15:00, 29 July 2014 003309.jpg (file) 153 KB Thys boke is myne prince henry. Cicero De Officis 1502 http://luna.folger.edu/luna/servlet/s/9z6vf2 1
10:47, 7 August 2014 Emily Jordan Folger.jpg (file) 27 KB   2
15:01, 26 August 2014 Hamlet audio cd cover.jpg (file) 152 KB   1
15:11, 26 August 2014 Macbeth audio cd cover.jpg (file) 111 KB   1
15:23, 26 August 2014 Midsummer audio cd cover.jpg (file) 127 KB   1
15:32, 26 August 2014 Othello audio cd cover.jpg (file) 105 KB   1
15:39, 26 August 2014 Romeo and Juliet audio cd cover.jpg (file) 147 KB   1
19:01, 3 September 2014 Stickelberger Collection - sold as possible duplicates.xlsx (file) 14 KB   1
20:56, 9 September 2014 Thomas cahill.jpg (file) 124 KB   1
21:03, 9 September 2014 HERALD.jpg (file) 82 KB   1
21:10, 9 September 2014 Louis butelli.jpg (file) 70 KB   1
21:16, 9 September 2014 Paul dickson.jpg (file) 63 KB   1
21:19, 9 September 2014 Voynich.jpg (file) 86 KB image courtesy of Beinecke Library, Yale University. 1
21:24, 9 September 2014 Neil rudenstine.jpg (file) 106 KB   1
20:00, 13 October 2014 Macbeth-20.ogg (file) 910 KB   1
20:04, 13 October 2014 Macbeth-20.webm (file) 7.42 MB   1
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