
This is where I record workflows and procedures while they're being worked out, or are particular to me alone

Cataloging workflows for ad hoc, preliminary, and other forms of incomplete records

Ad hoc records

New records created by a cataloger in TIND. Developed during the 2024 Barcoding Project for materials returned from storage without existing records in the catalog.

First stage

  • Start a new record using the Cat: ad hoc record (printed text) template
  • Enter title and imprint transcription. Copy-and-pasting from Connexion is fine as long as it's carefully proofread
  • Update the 008, just in case getting to the second stage falls through the cracks
  • Optionally (while the object is in your hands)
    • add 300 $c
    • add basic carrier information in the 852$z (for instance, "Bound in leather" or "Untrimmed, stitched")
    • add easily verifiable physical description details (for instance, signatures and pagination of a 16-page pamphlet)
    • take a picture of the title page/colophon and add to [DJL] OneDrive - Folger Shakespeare Library > Images > DFo-reference-images
  • Save and create item record, and add as ClickUp subtask to Ad hoc records to flesh out. Name subtask with TIND record URL, and Connexion save file number if applicable

Second stage

Open ad hoc record in TIND and locate scanned catalog card in L:\Central Library\Catalog_card_scans

  • Add useful information from scanned card as appropriate
    • If there is no scanned card, make a 599 note to that effect
  • Add 752 and make sure 008 is correct
  • add a 920 to the ad hoc record:
920__ $$a [jpg filename derived from the 'i' icon in the jpg] - filename of scanned catalog card represented by this record
  • If a fuller record exists for the edition in OCLC, open or create local save file, making usual, customary, and reasonable edits
  • Add to the TIND ad hoc record: 035__ $$a (OCoLC)[OCLC number]. Save record
  • Export record to TIND. Do not pass go, do not collect $200 [do not replace record; do not add holdings to OCLC]
  • Merge records in TIND. Do not retain precise but unverified information from the OCLC record, in particular, pagination and signatures
  • Retain the HBCN from the ad hoc template:
500__ $$a This is a PRELIMINARY RECORD. Please email for assistance. $$5 DFo
  • Retain other fields from the ad hoc record that have not been revised
  • Save TIND record

Final stage

  • Finish full cataloging in OCLC; produce, export to TIND, and merge. Per established practice, add a cataloged 583 while keeping existing ad hoc 583

To think about

  • For unrecorded works, create a widely accessible list for the benefit of Collections staff. ClickUp? Teams? If the latter it should be in an easily-updatable format
  • For unrecorded editions, create a ClickUp list[?] to help locate higher-priority cataloging projects. How would such a list interact with high-priority status items in The Pasture?

Merging duplicate records

Jiggering duplicate TIND records in separate windows for side-to-side editing is cumbersome. This is a slightly less cumbersome workflow

  • Search by call number (using the macro if working from a spreadsheet = WIN-ALT-O
  • From the search result window, one record should have a 'Request' button which is generated by a valid barcode and no restrictions. That is the record to keep. If neither does, search the call number in Global lists, which will show you which record has valid barcode. This usually happens when items are marked "Review needed"
  • Open both records in record editor; open a Notepad window. Copy and paste the record id from the to-be-discarded record to Notepad. Switch to Textmark and copy record to Notebad
  • Open persevering record in TextMark side-by-side with Notepad.
  • Copy and paste desired fields, including bib id of the disposable record into 035$z of the persevering record.
  • Delete disposable record using the 980 protocol

--DeborahLeslie (talk) 15:14, 23 January 2025 (EST)