TIND Location exceptions
The TIND ILS uses Location exceptions in two ways:
- To indicate an item's current location if it has been temporarily moved from its normal location (e.g., an Open Stacks book moved to Seminar reserves for the duration of a seminar).
- As the first step for batch updating an item's regular TIND Location (this is a temporary work around: it's not currently possible to scan barcodes directly to a new location in Global lists, but it is possible to use Global lists to batch change the Location of items based on their current Location exception.
To scan items to a Location exception:
- Log into catalog.folger.edu
- Under the Administration menu, open "Circulation"
- In the left-hand sidebar open "Location exceptions"
- Select the Location exception you need
- (If a valid Location exception doesn't yet exist, create a new one in the Locations screen, then add it in the Location exceptions screen under "Add new location exception")
- Follow the link for the Location exception you want
- Click inside the box under "Add new barcode" and begin scanning barcodes.
- If you get the Error message "error: barcode not found" it probably means that the barcode isn't linked to a record (the barcode can be linked by finding the record, clicking the "Item details" button, then picking "Update" for the relevant items)