Name |
Image |
Symbol |
Hex codepoint |
English equivalent |
Acetum |
🜊 |
U+1F70A |
🜊 |
vinegar |
Acetum distillatum |
🜋 |
U+1F70B |
🜋 |
distilled vinegar |
Aer |
🜁 |
U+1F701 |
🜁 |
air |
Alembicus |
🝪 |
U+1F76A |
🝪 |
alembic |
Alumen |
none |
none |
alum |
JW's symbol differs from the Schröder's symbol for alumen: 🝅
Amphora/ Amphoræ |
♒ |
U+2652 |
♒ |
Aquarius (astrological) |
Amalgama |
🝛 |
U+1F75B |
🝛 |
amalgam, usu. mixture of gold or silver w/mercury |
Ana |
a; an |
none |
none |
of each |
very common
Antimonium |
♁ |
U+2641 |
♁ |
antimony; also used for earth |
Aqua |
🜄 |
U+1F704 |
🜄 |
water |
Aqua fortis |
🜅 |
U+1F705 |
🜅 |
nitric acid |
Aqua regia (or stygia) |
🜆 |
U+1F706 |
🜆 |
mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids |
Arcitenens |
♐ |
U+2560 |
♐ |
Sagittarius (astrological) |
Arena |
none |
none |
sand |
JW's symbol; not yet documented elsewhere
Argentum |
☾ |
U+263E |
☾ |
silver; also used for last quarter moon |
Argentum vivum |
☿ |
U+263F |
☿ |
mercury (liquid); quicksilver |
Aries |
♈ |
U+2648 |
♈ |
Ram (astrological) |
291 only
Arsenicum |
🜺 |
U+1F73A |
🜺 |
arsenic |
Auripigmentum |
🜽 |
U+1F73D |
🜽 |
auripigment; AKA orpiment, arsenic trisulfide |
Aurum |
☉ |
U+2609 |
☉ |
gold; also used for the Sun |
Balneum |
B |
none |
none |
a bath |
Balneum Mariæ |
🝫 |
U+1F76B |
🝫 |
bain-marie |
Balneum vaporis |
🝬 |
U+1F76C |
🝬 |
steam bath, bath of vapors |
Calx |
🝌 |
U+1F74C |
🝌 |
chalk, calcium oxide |
Calx viva |
🝁 |
U+1F741 |
🝁 |
quicklime |
Cancer |
♋ |
U+264B |
♋ |
crab (Cancer: astrological); may also be seen rotated 90°, resembling "69" as in oculi cancri |
Caper |
♑ |
U+2651 |
♑ |
goat; Capricorn (astrological) |
291 only
Caput mortuum |
🝎 |
U+1F74E |
🝎 |
residuum after distillation; sometimes symbol resembles a skull |
Chalybs |
♂ |
U+2642 |
♂ |
steel, according to JW |
This symbol usually used for iron; see below for Ward's symbol for iron. In 287, Ward uses the symbol for ashes |
Cinabaris |
🜭 |
U+1F72D |
🜭 |
cinnabar (HgS) |
Cineres |
🝗 |
U+1F757 |
🝗 |
ashes |
Cornu Cervi |
C.C. |
none |
none |
hart's horn; NB: not the plant |
Crucibulum |
🜊 |
U+F70A |
🜊 |
crucible; JW uses the same symbol as for vinegar. |
Cuprum |
♀ |
U+2640 |
&9792; |
copper |
Distillare |
🝠 |
U+1F760 |
🝠 |
distill |
JW uses two different symbols for this. This image on the left is from V.a.287, and the image on the right is from V.a.291
Dies |
☌ |
U+260C |
☌ |
day |
Drachma |
ʒ |
U+0292 |
ʒ |
drachm/dram |
291; also button in Dromio transcription box
fferrum |
♂ |
U+2642 |
♂ |
iron |
JW uses this symbol in 287. in 291, he uses [image tk]
Gemini |
♊ |
U+264A |
♊ |
Gemini (astrological) |
291 only
Hora |
🝮 |
U+1F76E |
🝮 |
hour |
JW's symbol in 287: [image tk] is slightly different; in 291 it more resembles a figure 8
Ignis |
🜂 |
U+1F702 |
🜂 |
fire |
Iupiter |
♃ |
U+2643 |
♃ |
Jupiter (planet) |
291 only; also closely resembles the Rx (℞) JW uses for prescription compounding
Leo |
♌ |
U+264C |
♌ |
Lion (astrological) |
291 only
Libra |
♎ |
U+264E |
♎ |
Scales (astrological) |
291 only
libra |
℔ |
U+2114 |
℔ |
pound(s) |
291 only
Luna |
☽ |
U+263D |
☽ |
moon; technically first quarter moon; also used for silver |
291 only
Mars |
♂ |
U+2642 |
♂ |
Mars |
291 only; JW writes this with the arrow portion vertical
Mercurius præcipitatus |
☿🝟 |
U+263F + U+1F75F |
☿ + 🝟 |
mercury precipitate |
Not in Unicode as a unified symbol. Combined symbols for mercury (U+263F/☿) and precipitate (U+1F75F/🝟)
Mercurius sublimatus |
🜐 |
U+1F710 |
🜐 |
mercury sublimate |
Mensis |
🝱 |
U+1F771 |
🝱 |
month |
Nitrum |
🜕 |
U+1F715 |
🜕 |
niter |
Oleum |
🝆 |
U+1F746 |
🝆 |
oil |
Oppositio |
☍ |
U+260D |
☍ |
opposition |
Pisces |
♓ |
U+2653 |
♓ |
Fishes (astrological) |
291 only
Plumbum |
♄ |
U+2644 |
♄ |
lead; also planet Saturn |
Præcipitare |
🝟 |
U+1F75F |
🝟 |
precipitate |
Pulvis |
🝋 |
U+1F74B |
🝋 |
powder |
in 287, JW connects the two crossbars at the ends so that there is a rectangle over the upright
Quadratus |
□ |
U+25A1 |
□ |
square; also symbol for salt |
Quintessentia or Quinta Essentia |
🜀 |
U+1F700 |
🜀 |
quintessence |
JW writes this with colons, i.e., Q: E:
Retorta |
🝭 |
U+1F76D |
🝭 |
retort |
Sal ammoniac(um) |
🜹 |
U+1F739 |
🜹 |
sal ammoniac (ammonium chloride) |
Sal commune |
🜔 |
U+1F714 |
🜔 |
common salt |
Sal gemmæ |
🜘 |
U+1F718 |
🜘 |
rock salt; literally, "salt gems" |
Sal nitrum |
🜕 |
U+1F715 |
🜕 |
potassium nitrate, saltpeter |
JW uses same symbol for niter; in 287 he omits the bottom of the circle
Saturnus |
♄ |
U+2644 |
♄ |
Saturn; same symbol for lead |
Scorpius |
♏ |
U+264F |
♏ |
Scorpion (astrological) |
291 only
Sol |
☉ |
U+2609 |
☉ |
Sun; also one of the symbols for gold |
Spiritus |
🝇 |
U+1F747 |
🝇 |
spirit |
In 291, JW omits the "SP," making this the same symbol as the one he uses for sublimate
Spiritus vini |
🜈 |
U+1F708 |
🜈 |
spirit of wine, aqua vitae, alcohol |
In 291, JW replaces the "S" with a dot
Stannum |
♃ |
U+2643 |
♃ |
tin; also used for planet Jupiter |
Stratum super stratum |
🝜 |
U+1F75C |
🝜 |
layer upon layer |
Sublimatum or sublimare |
🝞 |
U+1F75E |
🝞 |
sublimation |
In 291 JW omits the lower horizontal line
Sulphur |
🜍 |
U+1F70D |
🜍 |
sulfur, brimstone |
Talcum |
X |
none |
none |
talc |
Tartar(um) |
🜿 |
U+1F73F |
🜿 |
tartar; may be preceded by "crem.," = cremor tartaris, cream of tartar |
Taurus |
♉ |
U+2649 |
♉ |
Bull (astrological) |
291 only
Terra |
🜃 |
U+1F703 |
🜃 |
earth |
In 287, JW does not extend the horizontal line beyond the triangle
Trigonus |
△ |
U+25B3 |
△ |
triangle, triangular |
Venus |
♀ |
U+2640 |
♀ |
Venus (planet); also used for copper |
Vinum |
V |
none |
none |
wine |
Virgo |
♍ |
U+264D |
♍ |
Virgo (astrological) |
Viridi æris |
🜨 |
U+1F728 |
🜨 |
verdigris, copper acetate |
In the Unicode character, the limbs of the cross do not touch the circle
Vitriolum |
🜖 |
U+1F716 |
🜖 |
vitriol |
In both 287 and 291 JW has the horizontal line extending beyond the circle
Vrina |
🝕 |
U+1F755 |
🝕 |
urine |