MARC 377 Associated Language
MARC field 377 in the authority and bibliographic formats contains codes for languages associated with persons, corporate bodies, families, works, and expressions. This field is repeatable.
Commonly-used tags
1st: Undefined
MARC language code
Subfield delimiters
Language code (R)
Policy and formulation
For authority data, give MARC language codes for languages used by the entity described. For bibliographic data, give codes for languages present in the work or expression being cataloged.
For authority data, only assign language codes for entities responsible for textual content. Do not use this field for artists or printmakers, for example.
377 eng ǂa ita
External links
- MARC authority 377
- MARC authority 377 in Cataloger's Desktop (Access limited to Folger staff)
- DCM Z1 377 in Cataloger's Desktop (Access limited to Folger staff)