Written by a Lady (2019)
Written by a Lady was an event organized by Folger Public Programs in conjunction with Opera Lafayette. It took place on Thursday, November 14, 2019, at 6:00 pm in the Paster Reading Room.
The work of Anne Kingsmill Finch, Countess of Winchilsea (1661-1720), provided the focus for this discussion of attribution, collaboration, and early feminist literature. Her collection of poetry, published only as Written by a Lady, explores romance, social justice, and mental health struggles. In addition, Finch is credited as the librettist for the early English opera Venus and Adonis; although the unique, irreverent text may also have ties to Aphra Behn and Anne Killigrew.
The event opened with remarks from Opera Lafayette Artistic Director Ryan Brown, and included a conversation between Folger Shakespeare Library Director Michael Witmore and 2014-2015 Folger Institute Fellow Dr. Jennifer Keith (editor of the forthcoming Cambridge Edition of The Works of Anne Finch). After the talk, Eric Weinmann Librarian and Director of Collections Greg Prickman guided participants through a pop-up exhibition of related rare materials from the Folger collection.
This event complemented the opening of Opera Lafayette's 25th-anniversary season with Venus and Adonis. Performances took place on November 21 and 23 at The Corcoran Gallery in Washington, DC.
Items included

1). Blow, John, -1708
Venus & Adonis [manuscript] : a masque
Call Number: Bd. w. W.b.526
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2). Winchilsea, Anne Kingsmill Finch, Countess of, 1661-1720
Miscellany poems, on several occasions / written by a Lady.
London : Printed for J.B., 1713
Call Number: 147- 109.1q
Selected image of 147- 109.1q
3). Winchilsea, Anne Kingsmill Finch, Countess of, 1661-1720 (tentative)
Free-Thinkers : a poem in dialogue.
London: 1711
Call Number: 188- 055q
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4). Winchilsea, Anne Kingsmill Finch, Countess of, 1661-1720
Miscellany poems with two plays by Ardelia [manuscript]
[ca. 1685-1702]
Call Number: N.b.3
Selected images from N.b.3
5). Whitby, Daniel, 1638-1726
Considerations humbly offered for taking the oath of allegiance to King William and Queen Mary.
London : J. Leake, for Awnsham Churchill, [1689]
Call Number: W1720
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6). Allix, Pierre, 1641-1717
An examination of the scruples of those who refuse to take the Oath of allegiance.
London: Richard Chiswell, [1689]
Call Number: A1222
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7). Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745
A history of poetry ... [manuscript]
March 31, 1722
Call Number: Y.c.1433
Digital Images of Y.c.1433
8). Quarles, Francis, 1592-1644
Emblemes : by Fra: Quarles.
London: George Miller, 1635.
Call Number: STC 20540
Selected images of STC 20540

9). Wither, George, 1588-1667, author.
A collection of emblemes, ancient and moderne...
London: A.M. for Richard Royston, [1635]
Call Number: STC 25900c
Cover-to-cover images of STC 25900c]
10). Ripa, Cesare, 1560-1645
Iconologia: or, moral emblems, by Caesar Ripa.
London: Benj. Motte, 1709
Call Number: PN6349.R65E7 1709 Cage
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11). Killigrew, Anne, 1660-1685
Poems / by Mrs Anne Killigrew.
London: Samuel Lownds, 1686
Call Number: K442 (folio)
Binding images from K442 (folio)

12). Tallemant, Paul, 1642-1712
[Voyage de l’Isle d’amour. English]
London: Joseph Knight and Francis Saunders, 1688
Call Number: 143- 140q
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13). Tate, Nahum, 1652-1715
Miscellanea sacra: or, Poems on divine & moral subjects...
London: Henry Playford, 1698
Call Number: 143- 721q
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14). Playford, Henry, 1657-
(Compiled by Henry Playford and edited by Henry Purcell and John Blow.)
Theater of music. Book 3.
London: Henry Playford, 1686
Call Number: P2440 Bd.w.P2438
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