Warrant from Richard Boyle, Earl of Burlington, to Sir Henry Goodricke V.b.333 (20)
For related articles, consult Manuscripts (disambiguation).
Know all men by these presents That I the right
Honorable Richard Earle of Burlington Constable
and cheife Game keeper of the Castle & Hennes
of Knaresburghe Doe hereby Authorize and
impowre Sir Henerie Goodricke of Ribston Knight
and Baronet aswele to hunt and take Game
within the said Honnor As likewise to take and
seize All Greyhounds setting dogs, Guns, netts,
or other engines that are destructive to the
Game from all such persons As by the Law are
not capable to keepe or vse the same within
the precincts thereofe And such as shall be
soe taken or seizd to dispose on according
to Law And for soe doeing this shall bee
his warrant Geeuen vnder my hand and
seale the fowre & twentith day ofe August
In the nine and twentith yeare of the Raigne ofe
owr soveraigne Lord King Charles the second over
England &c Annoque Domine 1677