Treatises on English Law, 1576, V.b.9
For related articles, consult Manuscripts (disambiguation).
This article features a transcription of a Folger Shakespeare Library manuscript,Treatises on English Law, V.b.9, (1576), featured in the Age of Lawyers Exhibition, September 12, 2015-January 3, 2016.
In early modern England, rights and customs were not simply based on laws, court cases, or a person's social status. They could also be tied to a place of residence—in this case the City, or Liberty, of London, that small part of London corresponding to the original city.
Below is a semi-diplomatic transcription of leaf 1 recto of Folger manuscript X.d.122(4). The transcription below was created by the Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO) project. To access an image of the original leaf, click on each transcription's heading.
V.b.9, page 14-15
And he that setteth vp any hereafter
shall forfett xli fo 35 a libro albo 11 Henry 3
Kedelles and weres
That the Cytizens shall remove & take -
awaie all the kedelles stoppes and weres
in the waters of the Thames & medewaie
and that they shall haue all suche punishmentes
in that behalf as doth belonge to the kynge
Libro albo fo 39 b / I Edward I /
Liberties and free Customes
ffree liberties and free Customes vsed in the
tyme of kynge Henrie the first are by -
Charter & after by parliament ratefied &
grannted to the Cytie Libro albo fo 35 bc
11 Henry 3 et 37 Henry 3 /
Liberties and frannchesies
The kynge grannteth and doth allowe that
the Cytizens of London their heires and
successors shall haue their liberties, And may
haue & enioy the same as they have don
in anncyent tyme, And also that they maie
recorde the same before the kynge his
Iustice and his mynisters as they haue
wonte to do (Any Statute or Iudgementes
to the Contrary notwithstanding Libro albo 40
a b, I Edward I /
Liberties confirmed
All manner of liberties grannted by kynge
Henry the 3 are confirmed by Elizabeth the I Anno 12
Libro albo fo 37 a /
Liberties Confirmed
ffirst whereas in the greate charter
of the liberties of Englande amongest
other thinges yt is conteyned That the
Cytie of London shulde haue all their
anncyente liberties & customes And
that the same Cytizens at the tyme of
the making of the same charter and
in the tymes of St Edwarde the kyng
and confessor and of William the conqueror
& of other the progenytors of kynge Ryc
chirde had and vsed dyvers liberties &
Customes aswell by charters as without
accordinge to the forme of the greate charter
And that all ympedymentes & vsurpacions
to them in that behalf made shalbe revoked
& adnulled Libro albo fo 39 a b, Anno I Edward I /
Mayor to be presented
The Lorde Maior beinge chosen must be
presented vnto the Courte of thexchequer
and after to the kynge hym self at his
nexte comynge to westminster or to London
Libro albo fo 36 a, 37 Henry 3