The Age of Chaucer

Folger Consort performed the Age of Chaucer in the Gallery and the Elizabethan Theatre on November 12 and November 13, 1978. The British and French music performed at this program dated from the fourteenth century, when Geoffrey Chaucer (ca. 1340-1400) wrote his poems and served his country and king as a customs official, diplomat, and courtier. The pieces performed in this program were aimed to reflect the vivid contrasts of fourteenth-century life.


Artistic Directors

  • Robert Eisenstein: vielle, lute, recorder
  • Christopher Kendall: lute, harp
  • Warren Luther: vielle, percussion
  • Scott Reiss: recorders, percussion

Other Members

  • Peter Becker: countertenor
  • William Lyon Lee: tenor
  • Patrick Mason: Baritone
  • Louise Shulman: vielle, lute