Medieval Illuminations (2017)

Folger Consort performed Medieval Illuminations from January 6 to January 7, 2017 at The Washington National Cathedral.

Consort Illuminations.jpg

In the Gothic splendor of Washington National Cathedral, London’s famed Orlando Consort joins Folger Consort in a concert of English medieval music drawn from the extraordinary 15th-century Old Hall Manuscript. Hear sublime sacred vocal works in a perfect setting along with dances and country tunes. With guest instrumentalist Mary Springfels (strings) and Daniel Meyers (winds) and the Orlando Consort.


Folger Consort

Artistic Directors

  • Robert Eisenstien
  • Christopher Kendall

Guest Artists

  • Mary Springfels: Strings
  • Daniel Meyers: Winds
  • Orlando Consort

For further information, please visit the Folger site to learn more