Manuscript book on heraldry compiled ca.1604 - ca.1615

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John Guillim (1565-1621).
Call number: V.a.447

The manuscript contains a modern, typed page entitled "Partial list of contents" tipped in at the back cover.

Transcription of typed contents list

Partial list of contents
Various customs, mainly concerning women and their status, f.2.
Who may have a cloth of estate and who may not, f. 5
Extracts from the records in the Tower of London, f. 7
The order of proceedence of all estates before his Majesty through London...Mar. 15, 1603/04, f. 11
Proceeding to the Parliament, Mar. 19, 1603/1604, f. 13
Various styles of address...f. 13v.
The names of such noblemen as were called by writ to the Parliament...Sep. 11, 1601, f. 16
The proceeding to the Church for an earl['s funeral], f. 17
a countess, f. 18
baron, f. 19
baroness, f. 20
citizen, f. 21
The nobility placed according to their degrees and after the ancienty of their creations, 1577, f. 22
Another proceeding at a funeral, f. 23
The proportion of the funeral hearse of Edmond Bridges, lord Chandos...temp. Eliz., f. 23v
The office of a king of arms with his authority within his province, f. 24.
Liveries for noblewomen at the interment of any great estate, f. 24v.
The definition of an esquier and the several sorts of them according to the custom and usage of England, f. 25.
Jousts holden at Whitehall the 24 day of March, 1603/04....25v.
The proceeding to the funeral of a knight in London, f. 26.
[The order of 5 of the bishops in proceeding to Parliament], f. 26v.
The diet appointed for the heralds at St. George's feast...
April 23, 1604, f. 27
Ditto, 1607, f.27v.
For the funerals of an earl, f. 28
The discommodities that may happen to an army for lack of ensignes...f. 28v.
Fees due to certain of the King's servants of every new dubbe bachelor knight, f. 29.
Laws for jousts royal in piece, f. 29. Ordinances of John Lord Tiptoft, May 29, 6 Ed. IV
Names of noblemen before the Conquest of England...f. 30v.
Illustrations of several sorts of noblemen, f. 31.
The size of banners, standards, pennons...f. 34
The making of a knight banneret in the field, f. 35.
The copy of my oath taken at my creation by the name of Portsmouth pursuivant at arms, f. 36.
Officers of arms, Mar.26, 1604, f. 36.
The proportion of the cupboard of Hampton Court, Dec. 26, 1603, f. 36v.
Noblemen created by the king, 1 James I, f. 37v.
Illustrations from church windows...f. 38, and following.
The arms and names of the 8 barons which belong to the parliament of the county palatine of Chester...f.39v.
Noblemen admitted to do service at the coronation of Edward VI...f.40v.
Inscriptions in the church of Knebworth, Herts., f. 44v.
The fees due to the officers of arms for performance of a funeral...f. 45.
The proceeding at the funeral of a knight f.45.
esquier, f. 45v.
Fees due to his Majesty's officers by every bachelor knight that is made, f. 46.
For the art of limning [ for making colours], f. 47
The names of all colours pertaining to limning, f. 47v.
The disolving of gums, f. 48.
[Ways to make certain colours...] f. 48v.
Quotations, f. 52