MARC 866 Textual Holdings--Basic Bibliographic Unit

MARC field 866 in the holdings format contains textual description of the holdings of a basic bibliographic unit. At the Folger, it is used for recording multiple physical units belonging to one copy.

Commonly-used tags

First indicator: Field Encoding Level

4 - Holdings Level 4

Second indicator: Type of notation

1 - ANSI/NISO Z39.71 or ISO 10324  


$$a - Textual holdings (NR)
$$x - Nonpublic note (R)
$$z - Public note (R)
$$8 - Field link and sequence number (R) 

Policy and formulation

The standards for recording holdings statements is covered by ANSI/NISO Z39.71-2006, Holdings Statements for Bibliographic Items. Folger policy decisions are recorded here.

Note: In records migrated from Voyager, delete any 866 _0 field that previously held current issue information when moving that current issue information to the 866 41 field.

Recording the extent (4.3). Generally, we use level 4, or detailed extent of holdings information. This level is reflected in the use of first indicator ‘4’ in field 866 (in contrast to earlier practice), and second indicator “1”. See the policy document on multi-volume monographs or for updating periodical holdings for more information on the field tags and indicators.

Adjacent display ( We use the adjacent display of enumeration and chronology data and repeat the caption. Note that no spaces separate the elements.

866 41 $$8 0 $$a v.1(1901)-v.5(1905) 

When the basic bibliographical unit is expressed in terms of enumeration only, do not repeat the caption.

866 41 $$8 0 $$a v.1-5 

Sublevels ( Lower levels of either enumeration or chronology are separated by a colon from the main level.


Captions ( Use the caption associated with enumeration, in an appropriate abbreviated form, used in the piece itself. In general, translate captions to English, unless abbreviation of original language caption is necessary for clarity. Keep ‘anno’ as a designation if used on the piece. Do not supply captions if the parts of a unit do not use them.

866 41 $$8 0 $$a v.1:no.3 [item has Bd. 1, Nr. 3] 
866 41 $$8 0 $$a Bd.1:T.1:Nr.3 

Dates ( Always record all four digits of the year. Use a forward slash as a separator if the chronology data for a single bibliographic unit spans a non-calendar year or more than one year.

866 41 $$8 0 $$a 1989/1990 [non-calendar year or biennial] 
866 41 $$8 0 $$a 1990/1992 [triennial] 
866 41 $$8 0 $$a 1992/1993-1999/2000 [8 sequential issues of a non-calendar year designation] 

Record months, seasons and days in the language in which they appear on the source, abbreviated in accordance with AACR2.

866 41 $$8 0 $$a 1989:Jan. 
866 41 $$8 0 $$a 1987:juil. 
866 41 $$8 0 $$a 1993:mid-Sept. 

A space should be used after months that do not require abbreviation (according to AACR2 - May, June, and July), as there is no mark of punctuation present to separate month and date.

866 41 $$8 0 $$a 1650:May 3 
866 41 $$8 0 $$a 1986:July 17 

Multiple enumerations ( For an alternative scheme of enumeration in addition to a regular scheme, as, for example, in a serial with both volume and part numbering and continuously sequential numbering, record both schemes providing the alternate scheme is regular, separated by an equal sign. If the alternate scheme is confusing or has non-gap breaks, do not record it.

866 41 $$8 0 $$a v.1(1995)-v.7(2000/2001)=no.1-28/29 

Gaps ( Distinguish between a gap in the library’s holdings (gaps) and a break or discontinuity in the publisher’s numbering (non-gap breaks). Use a comma (no space) to indicate gaps.

866 41 $$8 0 $$a v.1-3,5 
866 41 $$8 0 $$a v.5(1980)-6(1981),10(1985),12(1987)

Use a semi-colon (no space) to indicate a non-gap break.

866 41 $$8 0 $$a v.1(1980)-v.4(1983);v.6(1985) [v.5 never published]
866 41 $$8 0 $$a no.1-8;v.3(1995)-v.5(1997) 
866 41 $$8 0 $$a v.1(1900)-v.67(1966);new ser.:v.1(1967)-v.19(1985);ser.3:v.1(1986)-v.15(2000) 

After a major gap or a non-gap break, it is often clearer to start a new 866 field in the MARC holdings screen instead. This displays as a new line in the catalog.

866 41 $$8 0 $$a v.1(1967), 
866 41 $$8 0 $$a v.32(1999)-v.33(2000) 

Ending punctuation. No punctuation follows the closing enumeration.

866 41 $$8 0 $$a v.1-105 

Many older catalog records use different styles to record holdings information. If feasible, update them to the current standard as you come across them.

External links

ANSI/NISO Z39.71-2006 (R2011) Holdings Statements for Bibliographic Items
MARC Holdings Appendix D - ANSI/NISO Z39.71 AND ISO 10324 Data Elements
MARC Holdings 866-868 -- Textual Holdings-General Information