List of books owned by Edward Gwynn

Henry Clay Folger holding Edward Gwynn's book.

One of Henry Folger's most prized possessions, the book he chose to hold in his portrait by Frank Salisbury that hangs in the Reading Room, is the collection of Shakespeare plays usually referred to as the "Pavier Quartos" and bound in calfskin with "EDWARD GWYNN" stamped on the front cover in gold leaf.

Edward Gwynn's gilt stamp on the front and back covers of Tinto's La nobiltà di Verona (1592).

Edward Gwynn was a member of Furnivall's Inn. He died around 1645, when he wrote his will. He was an extensive book collector; in 1934, William A. Jackson identified (but does not seem to have listed in print) more than 70 books deriving from his library, including a copy of Andrew Maunsell's Catalogue of English Printed Books (STC 17669), indicating his interest in the book trade, although this copy has not yet been traced.[1] His bindings have been discussed in detail by J. Franklin Mowery, former Eric Weinmann Head of Conservation at the Folger, in an unpublished booklet held at the Library (call number Z270.E5 M69 2011). Images of the Folger bindings are available in the Bindings image collection.

The following is a list of known volumes once owned by Edward Gwynn, or once thought to have been owned by him, organized by current location.

Institutional collections

Folger Shakespeare Library

  1. The so-called "Pavier Quarto" call number STC 26101 copy 3
  2. Archaionomia, siue, De priscis anglorum legibus libri. Londini: Ex officina Ioannis Daij, an. 1568. call number STC 15142 copy 2
  3. Christmann, Jacob. Tractatio geometrica. Francofurti: Ex officina Palthenia : Sumtibus Petri Kopfij, MDXCV [1595]. call number 191-755.2q
  4. Christmann, Jacob. Epistola chronologica ad clarissimum virum Iustum Lipsium. Francofurti: Apud Io. Wecheli relictam viduam : Sumtibus Petri Kopffij, MDXCIII [1593]. call number 191- 755.3q
  5. Davis, John. The world's hydrographical description. London: Thomas Dawson, 1595. call number STC 6372
  6. Edwards, Edward. The analysis of chyrurgery, being the theorique and practique part thereof. London: Thomas Harper, 1636. call number STC 7511
  7. Ens, Gaspar. Nvclevs Historico-Politicvs. Coloniae: Apud Matthiam Smitz, 1618. call number 267225.1
  8. Ens, Gaspar. Thaumaturgus mathematicus. Coloniae: Apud Constantinum Münich, anno 1636. call number QA33 .E7 1626 Cage
  9. Frarinus, Petrus. An oration against the vnlavvfull insurrections of the protestantes of our time, vnder pretence to refourme religion. [Douai : printed by C. Boscard, 1607 or 1608]. call number STC 11334
  10. The general book of oaths both ancient and modern [manuscript codex], ca. 1630. call number V.b.130
  11. Harvey, John. A discoursiue probleme concerning prophesies. London: John Jackson for Richard Watkins, 1588. call number STC 12908 Copy 1
  12. Isidore, St., of Pelusium, Tou en hagiois patros Isidōrou tou Pēlousiōtou. [Heidelberg] : Ex officina Commeliniana, MDCV [1605]. call number Folio BR65.I8 D4 1605 Cage
  13. J. A. (John Ap Robert). The younger brother his apologie, or, A fathers free power disputed. Oxford: John Lichfield for Edward Forrest, 1634. call number STC 716 copy 2
  14. Jordan, Thomas. Thomae Iordani a Clausoburgo, publici March. Morauiae medici, De aquis medicatis Morauiae, commentariolus : cum indice copiosissimo. Francofurdi : Apud heredes Andreae Wecheli, MDLXXXVI [1586]. call number 186- 912q
  15. Knaap, Jan. Ioannis Servilii De mirandis antiquorum operibus, opibus et veteris aevi rebus, pace, belloque magnifice gestis, libri tres. Lubecae : Ex officina typographica Laurentii Alberti bibliopolae, anno Christi MDC [1600]. call number D18 K6 1600 Cage
  16. Manwood, John. A treatise of the lawes of the forest. London: Society of Stationers, 1615. call number STC 17292 copy 2
  17. Moffett, Thomas. Insectorum sive minimorum animalium theatrum. Londini : Ex officinâ typographicâ Thom. Cotes. Et venales extant apud Guiliel. Hope, ad insigne Chirothecæ, prope regium Excambium, 1634. call number STC 17993a
  18. Pharos Politicvs Dvplex. Coloniae Agrippinae : Excudebat Matthæus Smitz, 1625. call number 267225.2
  19. Prynne, William. The vnlouelinesse, of loue-lockes. London, 1628. call number STC 20477 Copy 3
  20. Ruben, Leonhard. Lingua aurea Christianorum. Padibornae : Sumptibus auctoris : Typis Matthaei Pontani, anno MDCVIII [1608]. call number 183- 958q
  21. Segar, William. Honor military, and ciuill, contained in foure bookes. London: Robert Barker, 1602. call number STC 22164 Copy 3
  22. Silesio, Mariano. The Arcadian princesse; or, The triumph of iustice: prescribing excellent rules of physicke, for a sicke iustice. London: Thomas Harper for Robert Bostocke, 1635. call number STC 22553 copy 3
  23. Simeon, Uri ben. Calendarium Palaestinorum et vniuersorum Iudaeorum. Francofurti : Apud Ioan. Wecheli relictam viduam : Impensis Petri Kopffii, MDXCIIII [1594]. call number 191- 755.1q
  24. A theological and philosophical treatise of the nature and goodnesse of salt. London: Felix Kingston for Richard Boyle, 1612. call number STC 24233
  25. Tinto, Giovanni Francesco. La nobiltà di Verona. Verona: Girolamo Discepolo, MDXCII [1592]. call number DG975.V5 T5 1592 Cage
  26. The Treasurie of auncient and moderne times : containing the learned collections, iudicious readings, and memorable obseruations. London : Printed by W. Iaggard, 1613. call number STC 17936 copy 3
  27. Whately, William. Prototypes, or, The primarie precedent presidents out of the booke of Genesis. London: G. Miller for George Edwards, 1640. call number STC 25317

Aberdeen University

  1. Fabius Paulinus. Praelectiones Marciae, sive, Commentaria in Thucydidis Historiam, seu narrationem, de peste Atheniensium. Venetiis, Apud Juntas, M D CIII. [1603]. call number KCx 61449(495) Pau

Bibliothèque Carré d'Art

  1. Appien, d'Alexandrie. Des Guerres des Romains livres XJ, trad. Claude de Seyssel. Plus... deux livres... trad. d'Avenelles. Paris: chez Gabriel Buon (de l'impr. d'Olivier de Harsy), 1570. call number RES 10586

Bibliothèque de la Cour de Cassation

persistent URLs not available for individual records
  1. Avocat au Parlement, Les coustumes du pays de Saintonge au siège et ressort de Sainct-Jean d'Angély. A Poictiers by P. Boisateau, 1577. call number 11636

Bibliothèque Municipale de Caen

  1. Beauvais, Vincent de. Operis preclari Speculis communis Speculum doctrinale ab eximio doctore Vincentio almeque Beluacensis ecclesie presule : ac sancti dominici ordinis professore editum feliciter finit. Venetiae: Hermann Liechtenstein, 1494. call number Caen, BM, Inc. 10/2
  2. Beauvais, Vincent de. Speculum morale Vincentii. Venetiae: Hermannus Liechtenstein, 1493. call number Caen, BM, Inc. 10/1
  3. Beauvais, Vincent de. Speculum naturale Vincentii. Venetiae: Hermannus Liechtenstein, 1494. call number Caen, BM, Inc. 9

Bibliothèque Nationale de France

  1. Dombach, John of. [Liber de consolatione theologie]. [Strasbourg, c. 1479.] call number FRBNF31431086 copy 2.
  2. Emmel, Helfrich. Sylva quinquelinguis vocabulorum et phrasium, germanicæ, latinæ, græcæ, hebraicæ & gallicæ linguæ. Cum gratia & privilegio S. Cæs. M. Argentorati, sumptibus ac typis Caspari Dietzelii & hæredum Christophori ab Heyden bibliopol. Anno M. DC. XXX [1630]. call number FRBNF30399552
  3. Knight, Francis. A Relationship of Seaven yeares slaverie sous le Turkes of Argeire Suffered by an English merchant captive. London: T. Cotes for Michael Sparke Junior, 1640. call number FRBNF30686670 copy 3.
  4. Morton, Thomas. An Exact discoverie of Romish doctrine in the case of conspiracie and rebellion. London: Felix Kingston for C[uthbert] B[urby] and E[dmund] W[hite], 1605. call number FRBNF36123079
  5. Neile, Richard. M. Ant. De Dominis arch-bishop of Spalato, his shiftings in religion. A man for many masters. London: John Bill, 1624. call number FRBNF36125702
  6. Pierio Valeriano, Giovan Pietro. Hieroglyphica, seu de Sacris Aegyptiorum aliarumque gentium literis commentarii. Venetiis : apud J. A. et J. de Franciscis, 1604. call number FRBNF31520617.
  7. Vincent, Philip. The Lamentations of Germany wherein, as in a glasse, we may behold her miserable condition and reade the woefull effects of sinne, composed by an eye-witnesse thereof and illustrated by pictures, the more to affect the reader. London: H. Overton, 1638. call number FRBNF31587476.
  8. White, Francis. An Examination and confutation of a lawlesse pamphlet intituled "a Brief answer to a late Treatise of the Sabbath-day, digested dialogue-wise betweene two divines A and B". London: A. Crooke, 1637. call number FRBNF31643856
  9. Yates, John. A Treatise of the honor of Gods house, or the True paterne of the Church, shewed in the parts and pietie of it. London: T.C. for W. Cooke, 1637. call number FRBNF31674855

Bibliothèque Patrimoniale Villon

  1. Lescun, Jean-Paul de. Généalogie des seigneurs souverains de Béarn... contre les autheurs et expositeurs d'un livre intitulé "Le Moyne"... avec les extraits des arrêts, décrets.... Paris: 1616. call number Mt m 5632

Boston Public Library

  1. Barberiis, Philippus de. Discordantiae sanctorum doctorum Hieronymi et Augustini. Add: De variis Judaeorum et gentilium de Christo testimoniis. De vaticiniis Sibyllarum. Proba Falconia: Centones Vergilii. Oppenheim: Jacob Köbel, 1510. Call number: Q.405.15

British Library

  1. Colle, Giovanni. Cosmitor Medicæus Triplex. Venetiis: Apud B. Baretium, 1621. call number C.46.k.6
  2. Windsor, Miles. Academiarum quae aliquando fuere et hodie sunt in Europa, catalogus et enumeratio brevis. Londini : G. Bishop & R. Newberie, 1590. call number C.109.b.38.

Cambridge University

  1. Bartholin, Caspar. Opuscula quatuor singularia. Hafniae (Copenhagen): Excudebat Georgius Hantzschius, 1628. call number University Library N*.14.15(G).
  2. Bourbon, Jacques de. Loppugnation de la noble et cheualeureuse cite de Rhodes. Paris: par Maistre Pierre Vidoue / Pour ... Gilles de Gourmo[n]t, 1525. call number Fitzwilliam Museum Reference Collection.
  3. Caius, Bernardinus. De alimentis quae cuique naturae conveniant liber : in quo etiam de voluptatis natura ... disputatur. Venetiis, 1608. call number University Library Sel.3.146
  4. Canisius, Petrus, Saint. Avthoritatvm sacrae scriptvrae et sanctorvm patrvm. Coloniae : Apud Geruuinum Calenium & hæredes Iohannis Quentel, Anno 1569-70. call number St John's College Upper Library Uu.14.31
  5. Carew, Richard. Svrvey of Cornvvall. London : Printed by S. S[tafford] for Iohn Iaggard, and are to bee sold neere Temple-barre, at the signe of the Hand and Starre, 1602. call number St John's College Upper Library C.11.34
  6. Constitutiones patrie Foriiulii cum additio[n]bus noviter impresse. Venice: per Bernadinum de Vitalibus, 1524. call number University Library S*.4.69(C).
  7. Dubois, Jacques. Pharmacopoeæ / Iacobi Syluij medici libri tres, his, qui artem medicam, & pharmacopœā tractant exercentque, maximè necessarij. Lugduni : Apud Guliel. Rouillium, MDXLVIII [1548]. call number Caius: Lower Library K.36.19
  8. Fauchet, Claude. Recueil des antiquitez gauloises et françoises. Paris: Chez Iacques du Puys, 1579. call number University Library S.4.22.
  9. Gardiner, Edmund. Phisicall and approved medicines, as well in meere simples, as compound obseruations. London: Printed for Mathew Lownes, 1611. call number University Library Syn.7.61.56.
  10. Lansius, Thomas. Consultatio de principatu inter provincias Europae. Amstelodami : Apud Ioannem Ianssonium, Anno Christi 1637. call number St John's College Upper Library F.9.33
  11. Laymann, Paul. Qvæstiones canonicæ de prælatorvm ecclesiasticorvm electione, institvtione et potestate. Dilingæ : Apud Jacobum Sermodi, 1627. call number St John's College Upper Library U.5.6
  12. Nowell, Alexander. Catechismus, sive prima institutio, disciplináque pietatis Christianæ. London: Apud Iohannem Dayum, Anno. 1580. call number St John's College Upper Library Uu.23.41
  13. Petilius, Marcus Antonius. Exarchiæ, siue, De exterioris principis munere, libri decem. Coloniæ Agrippinæ: Sumptibus Antonii Boëtzeri, 1620. call number St John's College Upper Library K.8.16
  14. Petri, Suffridus. De Frisiorvm antiqvitate et origine libri tres. Coloniae Agrippinae : In officina Birckmannica, sumptibus Arnoldi Mylij, anno MDXC [1590]. call number Caius: Lower Library L.2.40
  15. Ptolemy. Geographiae universae tum veteris, tum novae absolutissimum opus duobus voluminibus distinctum. Agrippinensium Colonia : Excudebat Petrus Keschedt, Anno 1608. call number St John's College Upper Library D.9.1
  16. Rastell, John. Les termes de la ley, or, Certaine difficult and obscure words and termes of the common lawes and statutes of this realme now in use expounded and explained. London: Miles Flesher and Robert Young, 1642. call number St John's College Upper Library K.10.29
  17. Rittershausen, Konrad. Differentiarum juris civilis et canonici seu pontifici libri septem. Paris: Lazari Zetzneri, 1638. call number University Library Q*.11.6(D)
  18. Ruland, Martin. De inferno, seu, Cacodæmonum, damnatorumque domicilio. [Frankfurt : s.n.], 1594. call number St John's College Upper Library U.5.8
  19. Sirmond, Jacques. Propempticum Cl. Salmasio adversus eius Eucharisticon de suburbicariis regionibus et ecclesiis. Parisiis : Apud Sebastianum Cramoisy, MDCXXII [1622]. bound with Sirmond, Jacques. Adventoria causidico Divionensi adversus amici ad amicum epistolam, De suburbicariis regionibus & ecclesiis. Parisiis: Ex Officina Niuelliana, sumptibus Sebastiani Cramoisy, MDCXX [1620]. call number Jesus College L.11.37
  20. Statuta et novæ reformationes urbis Romæ. Rome: apud Valerium Doricum, ad instatiam Marci Antonii Guilliereti, 1558. call number University Library H.9.38.
  21. Tagault, Jean. Commentariorvm Ioannis Tagautij Vimaci, medicinæ professoris, de purgantibus medicamentis simplicibus, libri II. Lugduni : Apud Gulielmum Rouillium, 1549. call number Caius: Lower Library K.36.19
  22. Wotton, Henry. The elements of architecture. London: John Bill, 1624. call number Kings College Keynes.D.3.60
  23. Vivaldi, Giovanni Ludovico. Opus regale in quo continentur infrascripta opuscula. Paris: In vico Sancti Jacobi sub intersignio Divi Claudii, 1511. call number University Library Td.54.25.

Blog post from Cambridge University Library about eight of their Gwynn holdings, published in 2018.

Canterbury Cathedral Library

  1. Abbot, George. A treatise of the perpetuall visibilitie, and succession of the true Church in all ages. London: 1624. call number W2/N-5-12
  2. Alcuin. Opera. Paris, 1617. call number H/Z-5-8
  3. Jewel, John. Works of ... John Iewell, ... newly set forth with ... his life. London: 1609. call number W/I-6-1

Centre Culturel Irlandais

  1. Bernard, Richard. Rhemes against Rome, or the remooving of the gagg of the new Gospell and rightly placing it in the mouthes of the Romists by the Rhemists, in their english translation of the Scriptures. London: imprinted by Felix Kingston for Robert Milbourne, 1626. call number B 877
  2. Calshill, James. An Answere to the treatise of the crosse. London: imprinted by Henry Denham for Lucas Harryson, 1565. call number B 857
  3. Casaubon, Isaac. The originall of idolatries or the birth of heresies... by... Isaac Casaubon and by him published in french... ; and now translated into english... by Abraham Darcie. London: printed for Nathaniel Butter, 1624. call number B 871
  4. Colville, John. The paraenese, or admonition of Io. Colville (laitly returnit to the catholique romane religion in vhilk he was baptesit...) unto his cuntreymmen. Paris: in the typographie of Stephanus Prevosteau, 1602. call number B 252
  5. Croy, François de. The Three conformities, or the harmony and agreement of the romish church with Gentilisme, Judaisme and ancient heresies written in french by Francis de Croy, G. Arth and newly translated into english. London: printed by Edward Griffin, 1620. call number B 869
  6. Favour, John. Antiquitie triumphing over noveltie. London: printed by Richard Field, 1619. call number B 872
  7. Gifford, George. A briefe discourse of certaine points of the religion, which is among the common sort of Christian. London: imprinted for Toby Cook, 1582. call number A 206
  8. Hall, Joseph. The Reconciler, an epistle pacificatorie of the seeming-differences of opinion concerning the trueness and visibility of the Roman Church by Jos. Exon. London: printed by M. F. for Nath. Butter, 1629. call number B 854
  9. Heylyn, Peter. The Historie of that most famous Saint and Souldier of Christ Jesus St. George of Cappadocia asserted from the fictions of the middle ages of the Church. London: printed by B. A [1 sop] and T. F [awcet] for Henry Seyle, 1631. call number B 264
  10. Lewis, John. [Melchizedechs antitype, or the eternall priesthood...]. London: printed by Nicholas Okes for Richard Whitakers, 1624. call number B 856
  11. More, George. A Demonstration of God in his workes against all such as either in word or life deny there is a God. London: printed by Ia. Ro. for Thomas Charde, 1598. call number B 870
  12. Morton, Thomas. The encounter against M. Parsons by a review of his last reckoning and his exceptions urged in the treatise of his mitigation. London: printed for John Bill, 1610. call number B 858
  13. Smyth, Nicholas. A Modest briefe Discussion of some points taught by M. Doctour Kellison in his treatise of the ecclesiasticall hierarchie. Rouan: [s.n.], 1630. call number A 37
  14. Sutcliffe, Matthew. De Turcopapismo, hoc est de Turcarum et Papistarum adversus Christi ecclesiam et fidem conjuratione. Londini: printed by Georgius Bishop, Radulphus Newberie et Robertus Barker, 1599. call number B 876
  15. Synge, George. A Rejoynder to the reply published by the Jesuites under the name of William Malone, the first part. Dublin: printed by the Societie of Stationers, 1632. call number B 855
  16. White, Francis. A Replie to the Jesuit Fishers answere to certain questions propounded by... King James. London: printed by Adam Islip, 1624. call number C 203
  17. Yates, John. Ibis ad Caesarem, or a submissive appearance before Caesar, in answer to M. Montagues appeale in the point of Arminianisme and Popery... defended by him. London: printed by R. Milbourne, 1626. call number B 859

Columbia University

  1. Becon, Thomas. The reliques of Rome : contayning all such matters of religion as haue in times past bene brought into the church by the pope and his adherentes. London: John Day, 1563. call number BX1763 .B4

Durham University

  1. De Dominis, Marco Antonio. De republica ecclesiastica libri X. Londini : Ex officina Nortoniana Apud Io: Billium, 1617-1622. call number Cosin N.1.9-11
  2. [The primer, set foorth by the Kynges maiestie and his clergie, to be taught lerned, and read: & none other to be used throwout all his dominions.] [Imprinted at London] : [ ... by Edward Whitchurche ... ], [the xix. day of Iune. 1545]. call number SB 2090
  3. Scultetus, Abraham. Abrahami Sculteti Grunebergensis Silesii Medullae theologiae patrum pars prima. Ambergae : prostat in officina Abrahami Vetteri, Anno 1613. call number Routh 12.G.8/1
  4. Scultetus, Abraham. Abrahami Sculteti Grunbergensis Silesii Medullae theologiae patrum pars tertia. [Heidelberg] : Typis Gotthardi Voegelini, Anno 1609. call number Routh 12.G.9/1

Glasgow University

  1. Eugalenus, Severinus. De scorbuto morbo liber. Ienae: Typis Johannis Beithmanni : Impensis Bartholomaei Voigt civis Lipsiensis., Anno MDC XXIIII [1624]. call number Sp Coll Hunterian Ci.4.6
  2. Holland, Henry. Monumenta sepulchraria Sancti Pauli. London: John Norton, to be sold by Henry Seile, 1633. call number Sp Coll Hunterian Co.3.18
  3. Prickel, Georg. Disputatio medica de Bile. Argentorati, : Excudebat Paulus Ledertz., M. DC. XXXI. [1631]. call number Sp Coll Hunterian Ac.6.8
  4. Vicary, Thomas. The English-mans treasure. London: B. Alsop and T. Fawcet, 1626. call number Sp Coll Hunterian At.2.42

Harvard University

  1. Brucioli, Antonio, trans. La Biblia laqvale in se contiene i sacro santi libri, del Vecchio & Nuouo Testamento. In Vinegia per Dominico Giglio. 1551. call number *IC5.B8308.532bh
  2. Coke, John. The debate betwene the heraldes of Englande and Fraunce. London: Robert Wyer, 1550. call number STC 5530
  3. Horozco y Covarrúbias, Juan de. Emblemas morales. Segovia : Iuan de la Cuesta, 1589. call number Typ 560.89.455
  4. Magnus Richerspergensis. Chronicon monasterii Reicherspergensis in Baioaria. Monachii : ex typographeio Nicolai Henrici, 1611. call number *GC6 G3374 611c
  5. Marliani, Ambrogio. Theatrvm politicvm. Romae : Typis Francisci Corbelletti, 1631. call number *IC6.M3437.631t
  6. Royal College of Physicians. Certain necessary directions, aswell for the cure of the plague, as for preuenting the infection. London: Robert Barker and assigns of John Bill, 1636. call number STC16769
  7. Selden, John. Iani Anglorum facies altera. Londini: : Impens. auctor. typis T.S. [Thomas Snodham] procur. I. Helme., M.D.C.X. [1610]. call number STC 22174 E S464j 610
  8. Strein von Schwartzenau, Richard, Freiherr. Gentivm et familiarum Romanarum stemmate. [Genevae] : Excvdebat Henricvs Stephanvs, illustris viri Hvldrici Fvggeri typographus, [1559]. call number EC G9963 Zz559s

Hendrik Conscience Heritage Library, Antwerp

  1. Florentinus, Antoninus. "Confessionale ... in duos tractatus sive libellos divisum." Lugd. [Lyon] : curavit imprimi Joannes Clein [Clein, Jean], 1518. call number F 4441. Supralibros ‘EDWARD*GWYNN’ on front, ‘E G’ on back. Rebacked with modern pastedowns. On an original flyleaf the provenance mark ‘M. Tydeman’ – possibly Meinard Tydeman (1741-1825), librarian of Leiden University Library.
  2. "Leges novae reipublicae Genuensis a legatis summi pontificis, caesaris, et regis catholica." Mediolani [Milan] : apud Antonium de Antoniis [Antoni, degli, Giovanni Antonio I], 1576. call number E 56202. Supralibros ‘EDWARD*GWYNN’ on front, ‘E G’ on back.

Huntington Library

  1. Mattioli, Pietro Andrea. Compendivm de plantis omnibus, vnà cum earum iconibus. Venetiis, In Officina Valgrisiana, 1571. call number 327343
  2. Owen, Lewis. The running register: : recording a true relation of the state of the English colledges, seminaries and cloysters in all forraine parts. London: [Felix Kingston] for Robert Milbourne, 1626. call number 29090.
  3. Sandys, Edwin. A relation of the state of religion. London: Valentine Simmes for Simon Waterson, 1605. call number 14573.

Indiana University

  1. Rusca, Antonio. De inferno, et statv dæmonvm ante mvndi exitivm, libri qvinqve. Mediolani, ex Collegij ambrosiani typographia, 1621. call number BT835 .R9

Doubtful book. The following item has "EG" on the front and back covers, but as the book was published after Gwynn's death, the initials may stand for someone else, or his binding may have been reused for a later book.
  1. Milton, John. Letters of state written by Mr. John Milton, to most of the sovereign princes and republicks of Europe. From the year 1649; till the year 1659. London : [s.n.], 1694. call number DA420.M662 L72 1690 copy 2

Lambeth Palace Library

  1. C15.2/Eu6(1). Eunapius. De vitis philosophorum et sophistarum / Hadriano Iunio Hornano interprete. [Heidelberg] : Apud Hieronymum Commelinum, Anno MDXCVI. [1596]. Sion College Library Collection. Description of binding: "17th century calf binding with "Edward Gwynn" hand-stamped in gilt on upper cover; bind-tooled fillets." A photo is available on the Sion College Library Provenance Project website.
  2. A69.9/C77(2) 01. Cooke, Alexander. More vvorke for a Masse-priest. London : printed by William Iones, dwelling in Red-crosse streete, 1621. Bound first in a volume also containing Alexander Cooke, Yet more vvorke for a Masse-priest. London, 1622. Sion College Library Collection. Description of binding: "Sion copy at A69.9/C77(2) 01 bound in 17th century brown tanned calf with a variable width blind triple fillet border on front and back covers; front cover with the gilt tooled name: "Edward Gwynn", with gilt stamped fleurons; rear cover with the gilt tooled initials "E G", i.e. Edward Gwynn (-1645), a lawyer and book collector; decorative gilt rolled board edges in a dot-in-egg design; rebacked, lettered in gilt on leather spine label, blind filleting on spine; plain paper pastedowns; edges stained red."

Unverified. The following item has a note attributing it to Edward Gwynn's collection on the inside of its current housing, but this claim has not yet been substantiated and requires further investigation. Correspondence with Lambeth Palace Library has revealed that this volume may have been among those rebound due to wear or bomb damage in the 1950s. These bindings were not kept, but staff at the time did keep notes on provenance. Current staff stated that such notes included with these volumes have often been proven accurate in the recent past when cross-checked with other sources.
  1. A94.2/R31. Resta, Luca Antonio. Praxis visitatorum ac visitandorum, et formula generalis visitationis omnium ... / auctore R.P.D. Luca Ant. Resta, Messapiense Episcopo Andrien. Romae : Ex Typographia Guielmi [sic] Facciotti, 1599. Sion College Library Collection.

Library Company of Philadelphia

  1. Krantz, Albert. Rerum Germanicarum historici clariss.... 2 vols. Frankfurt: 1583. call number: Rare Six* Kran Log 360.F.1. Cited by Edwin Wolf, ‘Some Books of Early English Provenance in the Library Company of Philadelphia’, Book Collector 9 (1960), 275–84, p. 281.

Library of Congress

  1. Lazius, Wolfgang. Historicarum commemorationum rerum Graecarum libri duo... Hanouiae : Typis Wechelianis, apud Claudium Marnium & haeredes Ioahnnis Aubrii, MDCV [1605]. call number DF213.5 .L39 1605. Likely purchased from the Macclesfield sale at Sotheby's in 2007, where it was listed as Lot 3194.
  2. The Knyght of the Swanne. [London] : Enprynted in the famous cyte of London in ye Fletestrete at the sygne of the sonne by Wynkyn de Worde, in the yere of grace MCCCC xii, [1512]. call number PR2235.C7 H5 1512 Rosenwald Coll.

Marsh's Library, Dublin

  1. Albinus, Petrus. Novae Saxonum historiae progymnasmata. VVitebergae Excudebat Matthaeus VVelack 1585. call number unavailable
  2. Augustine, Antonius. De emendatione Gratiani dialogorum libri duo. Parisiis Ex Typographia Petri Chevalier, in monte Diui Hilarii 1607. call number unavailable
  3. Bekinsau, John. De supremo et absoluto regis imperio. Londini [in aedibus Thome Bertheleti typographi regii typis impress.] 1546. call number unavailable
  4. Bellus, Joannes Baptista. Diatribae duae prima, De partibus templi auguralis. Altera, De mense & die victoriae Pharsalicae. Tolosae Apud Arnaldum Colomerium, Regis & Academiae Tolosanae Typographum 1637. call number unavailable
  5. Besoldus, Christophorus. Dissertatio de comitibus et baronibus Imperii Germanico-Romani. [Tubingae] prostat in Bibliopolio Joh. Alexandri Cellii, Typographi Tubigensis 1619. call number unavailable
  6. Besoldus Christophorus. De ordine equestri libero, imperioque immediate subjecto, discurseus. Tubingae typis Iohan. Alexandri Cellii 1619. call number unavailable
  7. Besoldus, Christophorus. De jure, et imperio imperialium civitatum, dissertatio. Tubingae typis Johan-Alexandri Cellii 1619. call number unavailable
  8. Besoldus, Christophorus. De vera philosopiae fundamento, discursus. [Tubingae] [typis Johan-Alexandri Cellii] [1619]. call number unavailable
  9. Besoldus, Christophorus.De novo orbe conjectanea. [Tubingae] prostat apud Joh. Alexandrum Cellium, Typographum Tubigensem [1619]. call number unavailable
  10. Besoldus, Christophorus. De jure imperialium civitatum in immutanda religione, discursus. [Tubingae] [typis Joh. Alexandri Cellii] [1619]. call number unavailable
  11. Blondel, David. Epistolarum Decretalium, quae vetustissimis Pontificibus Romanis hactenus tribuuntur examen, adversus Isidori Mercatoris figmenta. Genevae Ex typographia Petri Chouet 1635. call number unavailable
  12. Bullaeus, Antonius. Responsum juris, tredecim sabbathinas quaestiones, circa Saevitiam mariti in uxorem, exhibens, & salvo rectiore judicio, decidens. Rintelli ad Visurgim Typis & sumptibus Petri Lucii, Acad. Typ. 1625. call number unavailable
  13. Bullaeus, Antonius. Responsum juris, exceptiones binas, praetensae sc. suspectae interlineaturae, & putativi usurarii contractus, in ardua quadam pecuniatia causa, eviscerans. Rintelli ad Visurgim Typis & sumptib. Petri Lucii, Acad. Typ. 1625. call number unavailable
  14. Butler, Charles. Suggénia [Greek chars.] De propinquitate matrimonium impediente regula. Oxoniae excudebant Iohannes Lichfield & Guilielmu Tuener, Academiae typographi 1625. call number unavailable
  15. Caius, Joannes. De pronunciatione Grecae & Latinae linguae cum scriptione noua libellus. Londini in aedibus Johannis Daij 1574. call number unavailable
  16. Campegius, Thomas. De residentia pastorum iure divino scripto sancita, liber unus. Florentiae [s.n.] [s.a.] call number unavailable
  17. Catharinus, Ambrosius Politus. Speculum haereticorum, emendatum, auctum dicatumque, sanctiss. D.N. Papae Paulo III. Lugduni Apud Antonium Vincentium 1541. call number unavailable
  18. Catharinus, Ambrosius Politus. Annotationes in commentaria Caietani denuò multò locupletiores et castigatiores redditae. Lugdun Apud Mathiam Bonhomme 1542. call number unavailable
  19. Divaeus, Petrus. De Gallice Belgicae antiquitatibus liber I. Antverpiae Ex officina Christophori Plantini 1584. call number unavailable
  20. Draco, Johannes Jacobus. De origine et iure patriciorum libri tres, continua Romanorum, Graecorum & Germanorum, aliarum item Gentium ac civitatum historia. Basileae typis & sumptibus Joh. Jacobi Genathi 1627. call number unavailable
  21. Du Moulin, Gabriel. Histoire generale de Normandie. Rouen chez Iean Osmont, dans la Cour du Palais 1631. call number unavailable
  22. Elmacinus, Georgius. Historia Saracenica, qua res gestae Muslimorum inde a Muhammede Arabe. Lugduni Batavorum ex typographia Erpeniana Linguarum Orientaliem; prostant apud Iohannem Maire & Elzevirios 1625. call number unavailable
  23. Exegesis historica, non minus aequas, quam graves commemorans causas, quibus amplissimi ordines regni Sueciae prouocati, Sigismundum Tertiam, regem Poloniae, ... Suecano exuerunt diademate ... ac ... Carolum IX ... coronarunt. . Stockholmiae ex Molybdographia Gutteruiciana 1620. call number unavailable
  24. Fabrotus, Carolus Annibal. Exercitationes XII. Parisiis Sumptibus Mathurini Du Puis, viâ Iacobaeâ, sub signo Coronae 1639. call number unavailable
  25. Galantes, Livius. Christianae theologiae cum Platonica comparatio. Bononiae Apud Clementem Ferronium 1627. call number unavailable
  26. Gentili, Alberico. Ad tit. C. de maleficiis et math. et ceter. similibus, commentarius. Oxoniae Excudebat Iosephus Barnesius 1593. call number unavailable
  27. Gentili, Alberico. Regales disputationes tres. Londini Apud Thomam Vautrollerium 1605. call number unavailable
  28. Gretser, Jacob. De iure et more prohibendi, expurgandi, et abolendi libros haereticos et noxios, aduersus Franciscum Iunium Caluinistam, & Ioannem Pappum. Ingolstadii Ex officina typographica Ederina, per Andream Angermarium 1603. call number unavailable
  29. Hildebrandt, Andreas. The Genealogie and pedigree of the most illustrious and most mighty kings in Sueden. London Printed for Iames Boler, at the Marigold in Pauls-Church-yard 1632. call number unavailable
  30. Hotman, François. De statu primitivae ecclesiae, eiusque sacerdotiis. Hierapoli [Geneva] Apud Io. Crispinum 1554. call number unavailable
  31. Lanovius, Franciscus. De sanctis Franciae cancellariis syntagma historicum. Parisiis apud Sebastianum Cramoisy typographum regium, via Iacobaeâ, sub Ciconiis 1634. call number unavailable
  32. Lambarde, William. A Perambulation of Kent Conteinig the description, hystorie, and customes of that shire. London Imprinted by Edm. Bollifant 1596. call number unavailable
  33. Ley, John. Sunday a Sabbath or, a preparative discourse for discussion of Sabbatary doubts. London Printed by R. Young, for George Lathum, at the signe of the Bishops Head in Pauls Church-yard 1641. call number unavailable
  34. Lyra, Nicolaus de. Tractatus de differentia litterae Hebraicae. [Rothomagi] [Martinus Morin] [c1507]. call number unavailable
  35. Mainardo, Agostino. Missae ac missalis anatomia, hoc est, dilucida ac familiaris ad minutissimas usque particulas missae ac missalis enncleatio. [S.l.] [s.n.] 1561. call number unavailable
  36. Monte, Stephanus de, Gebennensis. Ars sophistica. [Paris] : [Antoine Caillaut], [not after 1492]. call number unavailable
  37. Natalibus, Petrus de. Catalogus Sanctorum et gestorum eorum ex diversis voluminibus collectus. Lugduni ab Stephano Gueynard: als Pineti prope sanctum Antonium [1519, Idus Octubris]. call number unavailable
  38. Neugebauero, Salomon Borussus. Historiae rerum Polonicarum, libri quinque quibus Praeter Regionis situm, qualitatem et terminos. Francofurti typis Wechelianis, sumptibus heredum Ioannis Aubrii 1611. call number unavailable
  39. Occam, Gulielmus. Quotlibeta Guillermi Hokan. [Parisiis] [Impressaque Petri Ruber impressoris regii] [1487]. call number unavailable
  40. Quintilianus, Marcus Fabius. [Declamatio paries palmatus inscripta]. [S.l.] [s.n.] [s.a, 16th cent.] call number unavailable
  41. Reusnerus, Elias. Basilikon (Greek chars.) opus genealogicum catholicum de praecipuis familiis imperatorum, regum, principum, aliorumque procerum orbis Christiani. Francofurti Ex typographica Nicolai Bassaei 1592. call number unavailable
  42. Saligniaco, Bartholomaeus de. Itinerarii Terrae Sancte. Lugduni Gilberti de Villiers ad imagium divi Joannis Baptiste 1525. call number unavailable
  43. Scribanius, Carolus. Amphitheatrum honoris in quo Caluinistarum in Societatem Iesu criminationes iugulatae. Palaeopoli Advaticorum Apud Alexandrum Verheyden 1606. call number unavailable
  44. A Short survey of the kingdom of Suueden containing a briefe description of all the provinces of this whole dominion ... particularly concerning ... Gustavus Adolphus the 2. London Printed for Michael Sparke and are to be sold at the Blue Bible in Greene Arbor 1632. call number unavailable
  45. Somner, William. The Antiquities of Canterbury or a survey of that ancient citie, with the suburbs, and cathedrall. London: I. L. for Richard Thrale, 1640. call number unavailable
  46. Spondanus, Henricus. Coemeteria sacra. Parisiis sumptibus Dionysii de l Noüe, viâ Iacobaeâ, ad insigne Nominis Iesu 1638. call number unavailable
  47. Streso, Casparus. Responsa prudentum ad autorem dissertationis de organo in Ecclesiis Confoed. Belgii. Lugd. Batavor. In officinâ Elseviriorum 1641. call number unavailable
  48. Suchen, Ludolphus de. Prologus in lib[rum] d[omi]ni ludolphi de suchen. de t[er]ra sa[n]cta et itinere iherosolimitano et de statu ei[us] et p[rae]cipue alijs mirabilibus que in mari conspiciuntur videlic[et] medit[er]raneo Incipit feliciter . [Gouda] [Gerard Leeu] [1484]. call number unavailable
  49. Syndromus rerum Turcico-Pannonicarum, historiam centum quinquaginta annorum complectens. Francofurti ad Moenum Typis & sumptibus Wechelianorum, apud Danielem & Dauidem Aubrios & Clementem Schleichium 1627. call number unavailable
  50. Tilenus, Daniel. Paraenesis ad Scotos, Geneuensis disciplinae zelotas. Londini typis Gul. Stansby, pro Nathaniele Buttero 1620. call number unavailable
  51. Twyne, John. De rebus Albionicis Britannicis atque Anglicis, commentariorum libri dou. Londini Exudebat Edm. Bollifantus, pro Richardo Watkins 1590. call number unavailable
  52. Valla, Laurentius. De voluptate ac vero bono libri III. [Basileae] [Apud Andream Caratandrum] 1519. call number unavailable
  53. Vitalis, Joannes. Speculum morale totius sacrae scripturae. Venetiis apud Societatem Minimam 1603. call number unavailable
  54. Vives, Johannes Lodovicus. [Ioannis Ludouici Viuis Valentini Somnium. Quae est praefatio ad Somnium Scipionis Ciceronis]. [Basileae] [Ex aedibus Ioannis Frobenii] [1521]. call number unavailable
  55. Watt, Joachim von. Epitome topographica totius orbis, conferes ad ea potissimum loca, quorum passim Evangeliste & apostoli meminere. [Antuerpiae] [apud Ioan. Grapheum] 1535. call number unavailable

Middle Temple Library

persistent URLs not available for individual records; for catalogue records of Gwynn copies, click here.
  1. Bernardus, Johannes Baptista. Seminarium totius philosophiae Aristotelicæ et Platonicæ. [Geneva] : In officina Iacobi Stoer, & Franc. Fabri Lugdunensis, 1599. call number BAY L (FOLIOS)
  2. Galganettus, Leander. Tractatus de iure publico, sive de legibus, et magistratibus sæcularibus, et ecclesiasticis. Venetiis : Apud Iuntas, MDCXXIII [1623]. call number BAY L (FOLIOS)
  3. Genebrardus, Gilbertus. Chronographiae libri quatuor. Lugduni : Joannis Pillehotte, 1609. bound with Yose ben Halafta. Chronologia Hebraeorum maior quae Seder olam rabba inscribitur, & minor, quae Seder Olam Zuta, De Mundi ordine & temporibus ab orbe condito usque ad annum Dom. 1112. cum aliis opusculis ad res synagogae pertinentibus. Lugduni : Joannis Pillehotte, 1608. call number BAY L (FOLIOS)
  4. Guenois, Pierre. La nouvelle et dernière conférence des ordonnances et édicts royaux. Paris : Jean Petit-pas, 1641. call number BAY B505
  5. La Roche Flavin, Bernard de. Treze livres des parlemens de France. Bourdeaus : Simon Millanges, 1617. call number BAY B505
  6. Stucki, Johann Wilhelm. Antiquitatum convivialium libri III : in quibus Hebraeorum, Graecorum, Romanorum aliarumque nationum antiqua conviviorum genera, mores, consuetudines, ritus ceremoniaeque conviviales atque etiam alia explicantur. Tiguri : apud Johannem Wolphium, typis Frosch, 1597. call number BAY L (FOLIOS)

Multnomah County Library

  1. Church of England. "A necessary doctrine and erudition for any Christen man sette furthe by the Kynges Majestie of Englande..." London : Berthelet, 1543. call number W 270.6 H522

National Library of Portugal

  1. Putte, Hendrik van de. Erycii Pvteani de Officio Ivdicis Dissertatio. [Leyden] : ex officinâ Elzeviriana, 1619. call number ELZ. 209

National Library of Scotland

  1. Allen, William. A true sincere and modest defence of English Catholiques that suffer for their faith both at home and abrode: against a false, seditious and slaunderous libel intituled; The execution of iustice in England. [Rouen : Fr. Parsons' press 1584.] call number Newb.2511

National Library of Wales

persistent URLs not available for individual records
  1. Paris, Matthew. Flores historiarum. Francofurti : Typis Wechelianis apud Claudium Marnium & heredes Ioannis Aubrij, MDCI [1601]. call number DA130.5 F63 (fo)
  2. Picard, Jean. De prisca Celtopaedia, libri qvinqve. Parisiis : Ex typographia Matthaei Dauîdis, via amygdalina, ad Veritatis insigne, 1556. call number b56 P3(5)
  3. Scultetus, Abraham. In epistolam ad Hebraeos concionum ideae. Francofurti : Prostant in bibliopolio Ionae Rosae, MDCXVI [1616]. call number Llanelwy 503

National Trust Libraries

Blickling Hall

  1. Inghirami, Curzio. Ethruscarum antiquitatum fragmenta : Quibus vrbis Romae, aliarumque gentium primordia, mores, & res gestae indicantur. Francofurti [i.e. Florence] : [G.B. Landini?] Anno salutis M. DC. XXXVII. Ethrusco verò MMMMCCCCXCV. [1637]. call number Blickling Hall running number 6264. Binding description: "seventeenth-century full calf (front board almost completely detached); sewn onto five raised bands; covers have a triple blind fillet border; 'EDWARD GWYNN' stamped in gilt on front cover, 'EG' stamped in gilt on back cover; blind fillet and alternating gilt II and X symbols along board edges; blind fillets and evidence of gilt title on spine. Textblock edges with alternating diagonal bands of red and green sprinkling. Manuscript title "Etrusc Antiquit: p[er] Inghiram:" on fore-edge of textblock."
  2. Morin, Jean. Diatribe elenctica de sinceritate Hebraei Graecique textus dignoscenda. Parisiis : excudebat Antonius Vitray ..., 1639. call number Blickling Hall running number: 2888. Binding description: "seventeenth-century calf; triple blind fillet border; 'Edward Gwynn' stamped in gilt on front cover; single gilt fillet on board edges; blind fillets on spine. Edges stained red."

Oxford University

  1. Apianus, Petrus. Inscriptiones sacrosanctae vetustatis. 1534. call number C 1.14 Med.Seld..
  2. Bale, John. A Christen exhortacion unto customable swearers. [1548?]. bound with Bullinger, Heinrich, and Miles Coverdale. The Christen state of matrimonye. 1543. call number Bodleian Library Douce C 33 (1).
  3. Bibliander, Theodorus. De ratione communi omnium linguarum & literaru[m] commentarius. Tiguri: Apud Christoph. Frosch, 1548. call number St John's College Library: Omega.4.35
  4. Boethius. De consolatione philosophiae. [Lyons: Jacques Maillet] for Johannes Fabri, [c.1496]. call number 4° B 2 Art.Seld.
  5. Bry, Theodor de. Admiranda narratio fida tamen, de commodis et incolarum ritibus Virginiæ. Francofurti ad Moenum: Typis Ioannis Wecheli, sumtibus vero Theodor de Bry venales reperiuntur in officina Sigismundi Feirabendii, 1590. call number Wadham College Library, Closed Access
  6. Bry, Theodor de. Brevis narratio eorum, quæ in Florida Americæ provincia Gallis acciderunt. Francoforti ad Moenum: Typis Ioa[n]nis Wecheli, sumtibus vero Theodori de Bry venales reperiu[n]tur in officina Sigismundi Feirabe[n]dii, 1591. call number Wadham College Library, Closed Access
  7. Buonamici, Matteo. Della seruitu volontaria ragionamenti fauolosi. Venetia : Appresso Nicolò Ziletti, 1590. call number All Souls College Library, Great Lib. Gallery: kk.11.6
  8. Busius, Paulus. De officio iudicis liber singularis. Franekeræ, : Excudebat Aegidius Radaeus, 1603. call number Queen's College Library, Tunnel: LL.b.40
  9. Caballeria, Bonafos de la. Tractatus zelus Christi contra Iudaeos, Sarracenos, & infideles. Venetijs, : Apud Baretium de Baretijs, 1592. call number St Edmund Hall Old Library 4° H 11
  10. Clouck, Andries. Gustavus Magnus, sive, Panegyricæ orationes à clarissimis aliquot ætatis nostræ viris de vita ac obitu Gustavi, Suecorum, Gothorum, Vandalorumque regis, &c. habitæ aut scriptæ. Lugduni Batavorum, : Apud Andream Cloucquium, 1637. call number Wadham College Library, Closed Access: f 1.10
  11. Diana, Antoninus. Resolutiones morales. Antuerpiae, : Apud Ioannem Meursium, 1635. call number Christ Church - Main Library, Special Collections Allestree K.7.7
  12. Everard, John. Britanno-Romanus, siue, Angligenarum in Collegio Romano vitæ ratio. London: Excudebat Gulielm. Hall impensis Guliel. Welbie, 1611. call number Jesus College Library, Fellows' Library: M.2.18
  13. Forster, Valentin Wilhelm. De jure canonico. Witebergae: Typis Iohannis Gormanni, 1618. call number Queen's College Library, Tunnel: LL.h.19
  14. Galatino, Pietro. De arcanis Catholicae veritatis, libri XII. Francofurti: Apud Claudium Marnium, & hæredes Joannis Aubrii, 1602. call number Queen's College Library, Upper Library: 59.E.2
  15. Galland, Pierre. De agrorvm conditionibvs, & constitutionibus limitum. Parisiis: Apud Adr. Turnebum typographum Regium, 1554. call number Jesus College Library, Fellows' Library: L.2.16
  16. Geoffrey of Monmouth. Britānie vtrius[que] regū & prīcipū origo & gesta insignia, cura I. Cauellati ed. 1517. call number Bodleian Library 4° G 10 Art.Seld.
  17. Giustiniani, Fabiano. Index vniversalis alphabeticvs. Romae: Ex Typographia Reuerendæ Cameræ Apostolicæ, 1612. call number Lincoln College Library, Senior Library: L.3.4
  18. Grapaldi, Francisco Mario. De partibus aedium. Basileae: Apud Ioan. VValderum, 1533. call number Queen's College Library, Tunnel: AA.g.39
  19. Hentin, Johannes. Commentaria in sacrosancta quatuor Christi Euangelia ex Chrysostomi aliorumq[ue] veterum scriptis magna ex parte collecta. Lovanii: Ex officina Rutgeri Rescij, 1544. call number Queen's College Library, Upper Library: 71.C.6
  20. Hermann, Wolfgang. Persequutiones ecclesiae. Ingolstadtij: Alexander Weissenhorn Ingolstadij typis excudebat, 1541. call number Queen's College Library, Tunnel: UU.b.3206
  21. Leland, John. Kukneion asma. Cygnea cantio. London: J. Herford, 1545. call number Bodleian Library 4° L 37(3,1) Art.Seld.
  22. Le Quesne, Juan. Los Psalmos de David. [S.l.] : [s.n.], 1606. call number Jesus College Library, Fellows' Library: A.1.25
  23. Liebenthal, Christianus. De privilegiis studiosorum, eorumq[ue], qui studiosis adjumento sunt & inserviunt. Gissae: Typis exscribebat Petrus Lucius, 1620. call number Queen's College Library, Tunnel YY.v.2
  24. Ponet, John. An apologie fully ansvveringe by scriptures and auncea[n]t doctors, a blasphemose book gatherid by D. Steph. Gardiner. [Strasbourg]: [Heirs of W. Köpfel?], 1555. call number Balliol College Library, St Cross 30 a 36 (2011 cat. project)
  25. Sirmond, Jacques. Appendix Codicis Theodosiani nouis constitutionibus cumulatior. Parisiis, : Apud Sebastianum Cramoisy, 1631. call number Queen's College Library, Tunnel: LL.e.47
  26. Thyraeus, Petrus. De daemoniacis liber vnvs. Coloniae Agrippinae: Ex officina Mater. Cholini, sumptibus Gosuini Cholini, 1594. call number University College Library, BL: K.44.16(2)
  27. Thyraeus, Petrus. De variis tam spirituum, quam viuorum hominum prodigiosis apparitionibus, & nocturnis infestationibus libri tres. Coloniae Agrippinae: Ex officina Mater. Cholini, sumptibus Gosuini Cholini, 1594. call number University College Library, BL: K.44.16(1)
  28. Trithemius, Johannes. De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis. Coloniae: Ex officina Petri Quentel, 1546. call number Queen's College Library, Tunnel: UU.b.3584
  29. Tschudi, Aegidius. De prisca ac vera Alpina Rhætia. Basileæ: Apud Mich. Isingrinium, 1538. call number All Souls College Library, Great Lib. Gallery: h.9.7
  30. De vestivm vsv et varietate S[anctissi]mi D.N. Papae ac RR. DD. S.R.E. Cardinalivm per totvm annvm. Parisiis: Apud Rolinum Thierry, 1616. call number Queen's College Library, Tunnel: UU.b.4005
  31. Zamora, Giovanni Maria, da Udine. Disputationes theologicæ de Deo vno, & trino. Venetiis : apud Iacobum Sarcinam, 1626. call number University College Library, Store: K.16.12

Princeton University

  1. Johnston, John. Inscriptiones historicae regum Scotorum. Amsteldami : Excudebat Cornelius Claessonius Andreæ Hartio ... , 1602. call number Rare Books (EX) DA758.2 .J65
  2. Rohan, Henri, duc de. A treatise of the interest of the princes and states of Christendome. Written in French by the most noble and illustrious prince, the Duke of Rohan. Tr. into English by H.H. Paris, 1640. call number Rare Books (EX) 14089.781.12

Royal College of Physicians

  1. Alpini, Prospero. De medicina Aegyptorum libri quatuor. Venice: F. de F. Senensem, 1591. call number D2/80-a-20. Binding description: "Copy number 17148: Edward Gwynn stamped binding."
  2. Fernel, Jean and Guillaume Plancy. Universa medicina, ab ipso quidem authore ante obitum diligenter recognita, & quatuor libris nunquam ante [e]ditis, ad praxim tamen perquam necessariis aucta. Frankfurt: apud Andreae Wecheli heredes, Claud. Marnium. & Ioan. Aubrium, 1592. call number D1/9-a-9(1). Binding description: "Copy no. 9643: Binding: Edward Gwynn."
  3. Gilbertus, Anglicus. Compendium medicine tam morborum universalium quam particularium nondum medicis sed et chyrurgicis utilissimum; [emendatum per M. de Capella]. Lyon: [imp. V. de Portonariis], 1510. call number D2/69-f-14. Binding description: "Binding: Gwynn, Edward."
  4. Grotius, Hugo. De juri belli ac pacis libri tres. Paris: apud N. Buon, 1625. call number D2/54-c-1. Binding description: "Binding: Gwynn, Edward."
  5. Hippocrates. De aere, aquis, et locis liber, ab A. Pasieno interpretatione & emendatione exornatus. Brescia: D. Turlini (apud haeredes), 1574. call number D2/82-f-25. Binding description: "Binding: Gwynn, Edward."
  6. Holland, Philemon and William Holland. Gutta Podagrica: a treatise of the gout, the severall sorts thereof. London: printed by Thomas Harper, 1633. call number D2/91-f-29. Binding description: "Binding: Gwynn, Edward."
  7. Ponce de Leon, Basilio. De sacramento matrimonii tractatus cum appendice de matrimonio Catholici cum haeretico. Brussels: J. Meerbecius, 1627. call number D1/19-e-15. Binding description: "Binding: Gwynn, Edward."
  8. Vitruvius Pollio; Gardet, Ian; Bertin, D. Epitome ou extrait abrege des dix livres d'architecture, enrichi des figures & pourtraits. Paris: chez Gabriel Buon, au clos Bruneau, a l'enseigne S. Claude , 1565. call number: D1/46-e-2. Binding description: "Binding: Gwynn, Edward." Record includes images.

Society of Antiquaries of London

  1. All suche proclamations, as have been sette furthe by the Kynges Majestie (and passed the print) from the last daie of Januarii, in the firste yere of his highnes reigne unto the last daie of January, being in the iiii yere of his said most prosperous reigne / Edward VI. London : Richard Grafton 1550. call number Cab. Lib. h

St Andrews University

  1. Arduino, Sante. Opvs de venenis, a mvltis hactenvs desideratvm, et nunc tandem castigatissimè editum. Basileae [Basel] : Per Henricum Petri et Petrum Pernam, Anno salutis humanae M.D.LXII [1562]. call number Wed RA1201.A8B62
  2. Bertrand, Pierre. Libellus de iurisdictione ecclesiastica. Parisij: Per Mag[ist]r[u]m Joh[ann]em Philippi Alemanu[m], 1495. call number TypFP.A95PB
  3. Biblia: quid in hac editione praestitum sit, vide in ea quam operi praeposuimus, ad lectorem epistola. Lvtetiae [Paris] : Ex Officina Roberti Stephani, typographi Regii, 1545. call number Don BS75.B4
  4. Calvin, Jean. Praelectiones in librum prophetiarum Ieremiae, et Lamentationes. Geneuae: Apud Eustathium Vignon, 1576. call number TypSwG.B76VC
  5. Olmo, Giovanni Francesco. De occultis in re medica proprietatibus : libri quattuor. Brixiae [Brescia] : Ex typographia Comini Praesenij, M D X C V I I [1597]. call number Wed R128.O6B97
  6. Vita [et] processus Sancti Thome Cantuariensis Martyris super libertate ecclesiastica. Parisius [Paris]: Per Magistrum Iohannem Philippi, 1495. call number TypFP.A95PB

Doubtful books. For the following, only the coat of arms (shield with three Cornish choughs) that was shared by Edward Gwynn and his brother Matthew appear, not the usual stamp of Edward Gwynn's name:
  1. Argellata, Pietro. Incipit liber primus Cirugie magistri petri dela cerlata de bononia artium [et] medicine doctoris. Venetiis [Venice] : [s.n.], Anno domini 1492. call number TypIV.A92XA
  2. Averroes. Destructiones destructionum philosophi Algazelis. [Venice : Bonetus Locatellus, for the heirs of Octavianus Scotus, ca. 1500]. bound with Foreest, Pieter van. Observationum et curationum chirurgicarum, libri quinque. Frankfurt am Main: Z. Palthenius, 1610. bound with Foreest, Pieter van. Observationum et curationum chirurgicarum libri quatuor posteriores. Frankfurt am Main: Z. Palthenius, 1611. bound with Zimara, Marco Antonio. Questio de primo cognito. Venice: B. Locatelli for Eredi di Ottaviano Scoto, 1508. call number TypIV.A95LN.
  3. Avicenna. Ugo in primam primi. [Venice] : Impressum Venetiis mandato & expensis nobilis viri d[omi]ni Luceantonij de Giunta Florentini, Anno d[omi]ni 1523.Die.7.Februarij. bound with Avicenna. Ugo in primam quarti. [Venice] : Impressum Venetijs mandato & expensis nobilis viri d[omi]ni Luceantonij de giunta Florentini, anno domini.1523. Die. 7. Februarij. bound with Avicenna. Ugonis Bentij senensis super quarta fen primi Aui. [Venice] : Impressa autem acuratissime Venetijs mandato & expensis nobilis viri D[omi]ni Luce antonij de giunta Florentini. Cura vero & diligentia Aurelij Pincij Veneti, Anno domini. 1531. Mense martij. call number Wed R128.B4
  4. Benzi, Ugo. Consilia Ugonis Senensis saluberrima ad omnes egritudines nouiter correcta. Venetijs [Venice] : Impensa heredum Octauiani Scoti ac sociorum, 1518. bound with Benzi, Ugo. Expositio Ugonis Sene[n]sis super Aforismos Hippocratis: & super commentatum Galeni eius interpretis. Venetijs [Venice] : Sumptibus Heredum quondam domini Octauiani Scoti Modoetiensis ac socio[rum], 18 Julij 1517. bound with Benzi, Ugo. Expositio Ugonis Senensis super libros Tegni Galeni. Venetijs [Venice] : Impensa heredum quondam Domini Octauiani Scoti Modoetiensis: ac sociorum, 19 Januarij, 1518. call number Wed R126.G2T4.
  5. Colle, Giovanni. Medicina practica. Pisauri [Pesaro] : Sumptibus Roberti Meietti, M. DC. XVII. [1617]. call number Wed R128.7C7C17
  6. Dinus, de Garbo. Expositio super tertia, quarta, et parte quintae fen IV, libri Avicennae. Venetiis [Venice] : Mandato & expensis Domini Octaviani Scoti per Bonetum Locatellum Bergomensem, nono kalendas Januarii, 1496. bound with Dinus, de Garbo. Super quarta fen primi Avicenna. Venice: G. Arrivabene for Eredi di Ottaviano Scoto, 1514. call number TypIV.A95LD
  7. Foreest, Pieter van. Obseruationum et curationum medicinalium siue Medicinae theoricae & practicae. In two volumes. [Frankfurt am Main] : E Paltheniana nobilis Francofurti officina, 1602. call number Wed R128.6F7
  8. Garcia Carrero, Pedro. Disputationes medicae super fen primam libri primi Auicenae, etiam philosophis valde vtiles. Compluti [Alcalá de Henares] : Ex officina Ioannis Gratiani, apud viduam, Anno 1611. call number Wed R128.3H8G2.
  9. Garcia Carrero, Pedro. Disputationes medicae super libros Galeni de locis affectis, & de alijs morbis ab eo ibi relictis. Compluti [Alcalá de Henares, Spain] : Ex officina Iusti Sanchez Crespo, Anno 1605. call number Wed R126.G2G2.
  10. Jacobus, de Forlivio. Expositio, et quæstiones in Artem medicinalem Galeni. Venetiis [Venice] : Apud Iuntas, M D XLVII [1547]. bound with Jacobus, de Forlivio. Super Aphorismos Iacobi Foroliuiensis In Hippocratis Aphorismos, et Galeni super eisdem commentarios, expositio et quaestiones quam emendatissimae. Venetiis [Venice]: Apud Iuntas, M D XLVII [1547]. call number Wed R128.6F76
  11. Mercuriale, Girolamo. Hieronymi Mercurialis Foroliuiensis sui seculi archiatri, In omnes Hippocratis aphorismorum libros praelectiones Patauinae. Bononiae [Bologna] : Apud Hieronymum Tamburinum, M. DC. XIX. [1619]. call number Wed PA4014.A2M4C19
  12. Mercuriale, Girolamo. Hieronymi Mercurialis Foroliuinesus, medici ac philosophi, nostro seculo praeclarissimi, Pisis medicinam, loco supra ordinario magna cum laude prositensis Commentaris eruditissimi, in Hippocratis Coï Prognostica, Prorrhwtica, De victus rat. in morbis acutis, et Epidemicas historias. Francofurti [Frankfurt am Main] : Typis Ioannis Saurii, impensis Caspari Pindoni bibliopolae Veneti, M. D. CII. [1602]. call number Wed R126.H59M4

Trinity College, Dublin

  1. Harris, Paul. The excommunication published by the L. archbishop of Dublin, Thomas Flemming alias Barnwell... against the inhabitants of... Dublin... for hearing the Masses of Peter Caddell... and Paul Harris... is proved... of no validity.... 1632. call number Press A.4.25

University College London

  1. Manasseh ben Israel. De creatione problemata XXX. Amstelodami : Typis & sumptibus auctoris, 1635. bound with Manasseh ben Israel. De resurrectione mortuorum libri III. Amstelodami : Typis & sumptibus auctoris MDCXXXVI [1636]. call number Strong Room Mocatta 1636 M1

University of Edinburgh

  1. Grosse, Henning. Magica, seu, Mirabilium historiarum de spectris et apparitionibvs spiritvvm. Islebiae : Cura, typis & sumptibus Henningi Grosij, Bibli. Lips., 1597. call number TR.406.

University of Illinois

  1. The English vsurer; or vsury condemned, by the most learned and famous diuines of the Church of England. London : Printed by Iohn Norton, and are to bee sold by Francis Bovvman, in Oxford, 1634. call number Hollander 0049
  2. Postel, Guillaume. De magistratibus Atheniensium liber. Basileae: [Ex officina Ioannis Oporini, 1543]. call number IUA10079

University of Kansas

  1. Erasmus, Desiderius. Magni Des. Lugduni Batavorum : Ex officina Ioannis Maire, 1642. call number Summerfield A12

University of Manchester and John Rylands Library

  1. Quaranta, Stephanus. Svmma bvllarii, sev Constitvtionvm : qvæ post ivris canonici libros a svmmis pontificibvs, vel, ex eorvm authoritate, à sanctis congregationibvs, et aliis. Lvgdvni, : svmptibvs Antonii Pillehotte, sub signo sanctissimæ Trinitatis; MDCXXII [1622]. call number R211044

University of Michigan

  1. Belli, Pierino. Petrini Belli, Albensis ... De re militari & bello tractatus, diuisus in partes XI ... Venice: excudebat Franciscus de Portonarijs, 1563. call number U 101 .B44
  2. Camden, William. [Britannia : or, A chorographicall description of the most flourishing kingdomes, England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the islands adjoyning, out of the depth of antiquitie, beautified with mappes of the severall shires of England / Written first in Latine by William Camden ... Translated newly into English by Philémon Holland; finally revised, amended, and enlarged with sundry additions by the said author.]. London: Printed by F. K[ingston], R. Y[oung], and I. L[egatt], 1637. call number G 1808 1637 .C15 This copy includes only the maps, and lacks the frontispiece--the title is derived from Rodney Shirley's "Maps in the Atlases of the British Library." Publication information is also drawn from Shirley. The binding is described as "Contemporary calf binding with gilt stamp of "Edward Gwynn" on the front cover and "EG" on back cover." Item was purchased from Cohen & Taliaferro in December 2012, catalog 03, item 60.

University of Pennsylvania

  1. Crespin, Jean. Acta martyrum, eorum videlicet, qui hoc seculo in Gallia, Germania, Anglia, Flandria, Italia, constans dederunt nomen Euangelio, idque sanguine suo obsignarunt : ab Wicleffo & Husso ad hunc vsque diem. Geneuae : Apud Io. Crispinum, Anno MDLVI [1556]. call number E.5.25

University of Reading

  1. Misselden, Edward. The circle of commerce : or, The ballance of trade in defence of free trade... London : Printed by Iohn Dawson for Nicholas Bourne, 1623. Held in Special Collections and MERL Library. call number OVERSTONE--SHELF 11D/22. Binding description: "Full calf with half sprinkled half stained edges and 'Edward Gwynn' stamped in gilt on front board and the initials 'E G' on back board."

University of Texas

  1. Twyne, John. De rebvs albionicis, britannicis atqve anglicis, commentariorum libri duo. London: Excudebat Edm. Bollifantus, pro Richardo Watkins., 1590. call number DA 130 T97

University of York and York Minster Library

  1. James, Thomas. A manuduction, or Introduction vnto diuinitie: containing a confutation of papists by papists, throughout the important articles of our religion. [London]: [Isaac Jaggard] for Henry Cripps, and Henry Curteyne, 1625. call number XXXIV.F.33

V&A National Art Library

  1. Transcript of Acts of Parliament, 1164-1484, compiled by or for Edward Gwynn (d.1645/1649), in English and some Latin [manuscript codex, 1622]. call number CLE N9.

Yale University

  1. Markham, Gervase. How to chuse, ride, traine, and diet, both hunting-horses and running horses. London: James Roberts, 1599. call number SF285.3 .M37 1599

Private collections

H.R. Woudhuysen, Lincoln College, Oxford

  1. Abbot, George. A Treatise of the Perpetuall Visibilitie, and Succession of the True Church in all Ages. [London], [1624]. Plain calf with Edward Gwynn’s name tooled in gilt on the front cover and his initials on the back cover.

Unknown Status

  1. Achilles, Frederick, Prince of Wurttemberg. Consultatio de principatu inter provincias Europæ. [Amstelodami, apud Ioannem Ianssonium.] 1637. Listed in A Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Baker edited by Frans Korsten, 2010, where it is #1425 on p.139. Description: "stamped on binding (front): 'EDWARD GWYNN'and (back) 'EG'..."
  2. Baricelli, Giulio Cesare. Iulii Caesaris Baricelli, à Sancto Marco, Doctoris Medici, & Philosophi, Hortulus genialis ... Cum Indice locupletissimo. Ad Illustrisimum Dominum Don Michaelem Cabanilium. Genevæ: Apud Philippum Albert, 1620. Listed by De Burca Rare Books in Catalog 122 as item #25, 2016.
  3. Bible, Spanish. La Biblia, que es, los sacros libros del vieio y nuevo testamento... Translated by Cassiodoro de Reina (ca 1520-1594). [Basel: S. Apiarius for T. Guarinus], 1569. Listed in the sale of the Estelle Doheny Collection (#9880) at Christie's in December of 2001, Lot 196. Description: "early 17th-century ?Spanish brown morocco, the covers gilt-panelled with borders built up from scrolling flower, saw-tooth, and four small floral tools, enclosing a central circular pattern composed of small floral and leaf tools, with later gilt-stamped name of EDWARD GWYNN on front cover and E G on rear cover, wide flat spine with bands built up from the same tools, brass corner- and center-pieces, etched brass catches and clasps, two brass staples on covers (small old repair to lower front joint, some light shelfwear). Provenance: Edward Gwynn (d. ca. 1650), lawyer and book collector (binding) -- Juan de la Puerra (signature on title of the first work) -- A. De Blois de la Calande (inscription on title of the first work: "Capitaine des Vaisseaux du Roi, Brest 1816") -- Diocese of Quimper (stamp on front flyleaf) -- Estelle Doheny (morocco bookplate) -- donated to SMS 12 December 1946."
  4. Camden, William. Britain, or A chorographicall description of the most flourishing kingdomes, England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the ilands adioyning, out of the depth of antiquitie...Londini : [Printed at Eliot’s Court Press] impensis Georgii Bishop & Ioannis Norton, M.DC.X. [1610]. Listed in Dominic Winter's catalog of July 2011, item #83. Item is described as lacking all maps, but includes the engraved allegorical frontispiece.
  5. Cameron, John. An examination of those plausible appearances which seeme most to commend the Romish Church, and to preiudice the reformed. Discovering them to be but meere shifts, purposely invented, to hinder an exact triall of doctrine by the Scriptures. By Mr Iohn Cameron. Englished out of French. Oxford : Printed by Iohn Lichfield and William Turner, for Edward Forrest, Ann. Dom. 1626. Listed in Maggs Bros. catalog Bookbinding in the British Isles: Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century, Part 2, 1996, item #20. Binding description: "Contemporary calf binding, the covers with a triple blind fillet border and lettered in gilt at the centre of the front cover "EDWARD*GWYNN" and on the rear cover "E G," smooth spine, the edges of the boards tooled with a gilt fillet, yellow edges. (Joints a little rubbed, upper headcap broken.)"
  6. Carew, Richard. The Survey of Cornwall. London : Printed by S. S[tafford] for Iohn Iaggard, and are to bee sold neere Temple-barre, at the signe of the Hand and Starre, 1602. Listed in A Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Baker edited by Frans Korsten, 2010, where it is #971 on p.100. Description: "inscribed 'T.D. e Coll. Sid. 1654, emp. Londini'; stamped on binding (front): 'EDWARD GWYNN'and (back) 'EG'..."
  7. Maunsell, Andrew. The first part of the catalogue of English printed bookes... London : Printed by Iohn VVindet [and James Roberts] for Andrew Maunsell, dwelling in Lothburie, 1595. Listed in W.A. Jackson, “Edward Gwynn,” The Library 15.1 (June 1934): 92-96.
  8. Milles, Thomas. The Custumers Alphabet and Primer. [London : Printed by William Jaggard?], 1608. Listed by Dominic Winter in their June 2019 auction (lot 7). Description: "44 pages, signatures A-L2, title with woodcut decorative border, two woodcut head-pieces, and two woodcut initials, with author's manuscript annotations, underlining and manicules in brown ink to text, some soiling to title and final leaf, light waterstain to final few leaves, two blank leaves at front and rear, without pastedowns, later bookplate of Caroline Bishop to verso of front board, contemporary full calf, triple blind fillet border to each cover, lettered in gilt to upper centre of front cover EDWARD∗GWYNN, and E G to rear, board-edges with gilt fillet tooling, red and yellow edges to text leaves, upper joint partly cracked, a little wear to head and foot of spine with minor old repairs, folio (29 x 20 cm)."

Sunderland Library Sale, 1881

Digitized catalog

  1. Ala, Giovanni Pietro. Tractatus vere aureus de advocato et causidico christiano. Cremona: 1610. Listed by Puttick & Simpson, 1 December 1881, Sunderland Library Sale, Lot 138. Binding description: "Old calf, with the name "Edward Gwynn" on the side."
  2. Bossus, Matthäus. Recuperationum fesulanarum ea pars quae complectitur epistolas... Bononiae: per Platonem de Benedictis, 1493. Listed by Puttick & Simpson, 1 December 1881, Sunderland Library Sale, Lot 1843. Binding description: "calf, with the name "Edward Gwynn" on the side." With the signature of Stephanus Baluzius on the title page.
  3. Bugnyon, Philibert. Traite des loix. Lyon: C. Pesnot, 1578. Listed by Puttick & Simpson, 1 December 1881, Sunderland Library Sale, Lot 2095. Binding description: "...old calf, with "Edward Gwynn" stamped on sides."


  1. W.A. Jackson, “Edward Gwynn,” The Library 15.1 (June 1934): 92-96.