Letter from Walter Bagot to an unnamed knight, ca. 1620, L.a.156

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Below is a basic semi-diplomatic transcription of a letter from Walter Bagot of the Bagot Family of Blithfield, Staffordshire, to an unnamed knight. The Bagot Family Papers is a large manuscript collection here at the Folger. For more information on the collection, see its Folgerpedia page, consult its Hamnet record, or for basic item-level description, its Finding Aid. This transcription was originally completed as part of the first Practical Paleography Series, sponsored by EMMO.
Click here to view the original document transcribed below in LUNA, Folger's digital image collection.

Transcription of L.a.156

Most worthie knight I am am bold to send vnto you some ^ vnbidden Christmas guestes though no musitions
to bee troble some vnto you yet I hope^inge you and my Lady will bee pleased to ioyne with ^youin mutuall
Consent to gratefie mee and them in our request that you will bee pleased which is that they maye
accompany and attend my so our soone into this Contrie to finishe to take some pleasure
here in the end of Reveles your kynd promise in so doinge with that worthie respect
you haue euer had of your word makes mee without doubt to obtayne my request
wherevnto I doe allso ^ requier desier it maye bee with the free consent of and
of will of my good Lady which I will euer indeauor my selfe to deserue with
my best perswations to reteane him ^ am in love and dutie towards her. I haue
heard that since his beeinge here hee hath had the small pockes which I doubt not
but before this time hee ^ hath bee well recouered. I haue sent my soone Richard Bagot
with his my Sonne your honest neighbor Mr Sheldon which I praye
... prayinge
god to blesse him and Continew him in and with all yours in in health and send them
and vs his gratiose proteccion. And soe requiringe my loue savie maye bee

remembered euer assured vnto you and your worthie Lady with lyke from my wiefe
will euer rest
yours euer assured