Letter from Thomas Worswick, Stafford to Walter Bagot L.a.990
Right worshippfull my verie humble dewtie remembred &c I doe
vnderstand by your servant Ed: watkins that your worshipp hath
nottice of a willfull murther done by one Martin Broughes
servant within a Lordshipp of yours, which murther was so sleightelie
overpassed by the inhabitantes thereabouts that had not my
readines ben more then theres, the bodie had ben vnburied
till this houre, in the meane season the murtheredr is
escaped hauinge had entertainment in Broughes house
one that I know is a verie peevishe companion as by
his answeres to me I did well perceiue, vo and for that
by the evidence yt did appeare that Broughes people
did giue entertainement to the murtherer knowinge yt by
his owne Confession, I could do no lesse then bynde
him and them over, besydes that I must further signifie
vnto your worshippe that vppon my certificat into the
Crowne Office the towneshippes of Bagottes Bromley
and Abbottes Bromley must payee a ffyne for thescape
of the murtherer, out of which the queene allowes me
xiijs iiijd for a fee, as by the statute yt appeareth,
Thus much I signified to Brough, but he made no
reckininge of me. I am verie loath to trouble the
cuntrie, especiallie any that shall belonge to your selfe
yett I would haue them do that which appurteyneth
to them to doe, ffor otherwise yt is fitt the should be taught.
But how so euer they deserue, I purpose to do nothinge
that I maie know shall discontent your worshippe, And
therefore what you would haue me doe ether towardes
the towneshippes or Broughe him selfe, you maie saie
yt shalbe so, ffor th without manie wordes your worshippe
shall euer comaund me. And there ^fore if yt please you to
signifie to me what you wold haue done, so yt be before
the assises I will performe yt. And so I humblie take my
leaue. Stafford .23. of ffebruary 1598
your worshippes euer much
bounden to commaund
Thomas Worswick