Letter from Sir Thomas Skrymsher, Aqualate to Walter Bagot L.a.857

Sir I received a privye seale from you for the loane
of tenn poundes (as I take it) whi​ch​ was lefte by one of
your men at Aquilatt​ and sent to me at Salope​ where
I nowe lye and have donne this tow yeares where I
lickwise received an other from Mr​ Lea​ the collector
for that Countye of the same some whi​ch​ I have pro​​mised
to make payment vnto hym the xxviith​ of this pre​​sentt
marche whi​ch​ god willinge I will not fayle to per​​forme
accordingly and for your better satisfaction ^ herin I​​ have sentt ^bothe​​
his lett​re and privye vnto you to per​​vse disieringe you that
you will certefye that I have a privy seale for Salop​
and that I dwell not in this County whi​ch​ your man
knowes that brought the privye seale to Aquilatt​ for
the avoydinge of my further trouble herin thus wi​th​ my
best wishes to you and your good wyef doe cease your
further trouble restinge ever
Aquilatt this 23th​ of marche
Your Lovinge Cossen
and ffrend Thomas

post scriptum​​ if yo​u​​ disire any
further satisfaction herin I
god willinge will send vnto
you the next when I haue
made payment of the money
subscribed vnder the collectors hande.