Letter from John Lord, London, to Sir Humphrey Ferrers, Walton, 1597 June 2, L.e.568

For related articles, consult Manuscripts (disambiguation).

This article features a transcription of a Folger Shakespeare Library manuscript, Letter from John Lord to Sir Humphrey Ferrers, L.e.568, (June 2nd 1597), featured in the Age of Lawyers Exhibition, September 12, 2015-January 3, 2016.

More manuscripts from this collection can be found in Guide to the Papers of the Ferrers Family of Tamworth Castle

Although most trials were held at the assizes, there were exceptions. This letter to Sir Humphrey Ferrers from his agent, John Lord, notes that in one case, the opposing party is eager for a trial "at the bar"—meaning at the Court of Common Pleas in Westminster—and has offered 20 pounds in travel expenses.


Below is a semi-diplomatic transcription of Folger manuscript X.d.122(4). The transcription below was created by the Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO) project. To access an image of the original leaf, click on each transcription's heading.


Right wourshipfull maye hit please you to be aduertised

That the sute is to be tried at the Barr for the

Replevin against ffrancis Bradborne And ffrancis is to

geve the Iurye xxli toward there charges by order

of the couerte the Iudges weare devidid in hit that

is to sey mr lord andersone & mr Iustes Beamont

to haue hit tried at the assises the other at the Barr

so at the last vppone his vnrulye exclamacione &

offer to geue xxli towardes the Iuryes charges hit is

ordred to be tried at the Barr, mr pagett is of mind

that hit is best for vs and also wee shall serve

the charge of the nisi prius which would have

bene vjli for the Record, / I Receaved from your worshipfull

letters concer[n]inge the sute against mistress sacheuerell

& mondaye is the daye appointed By mr Iustes

Beaumont for the hearinge of the counsell one booth

partes / ffrancis Bradborne had stolen a Rule against

his eldest Brother in the kinges benche vppone

the writte of error, which was that william should

appere the ffirst tuesdaye in this terme to assigne

errors in proper persone I had a motione and haue

overthrowen there order and a Rule the shall plead

vnto the errors assigned or els (nihill dicis) is to

be entred against theme, I heare nothinge of

Anthony Bradborne his sute or of any letter

sent from my lord keper vnto mr william as yett,

I have the Iurye to Retorne this weake &

so to gett out a distre[ss] against michelmas

terme & to see some end of mr sacheuerells matter,

mr dormer is not yet come to londone I haue

sought him at his house daylye but he is

in the countrye yf he come I will see all

thinges effectually dealt in, there will be

nothinge hard of the Informer against youe

in the duchye though Inquyrye haue been made

& further


To the Right wourshipfull

his assured good m[aste]r S[i]r

Humfrey ferrers knight

at Walton with

Spead /

Ihon Lort