Augustin Daly

This article serves as a portal to the Folger Shakespeare Library collection items associated with theatrical manager and playwright, Augustin Daly (20 July 1838-7 June 1899).

Folger online finding aids


Augustin Daly Letters and Papers, 1849-1916 (Folger MS Y.c.2602-3099, Y.c.4000-5378)


Autograph letters signed from Edwin Booth to various recipients (Folger MS Y.c.215 (1-534))

Autograph letters signed from William Winter to various recipients (Folger MS Y.c.573 (1-114))

Letters and Papers by German Authors, 1777-1912, many of them from the Augustin Daly collection (various call numbers)

Robert Young collection relating to William Winter (various call numbers)

Stratford and Warwickshire References in the Art, Manuscript, and Scrapbook Collections, ca. 1560 - ca. 1930 (various call numbers)

Former owner

Manuscripts in the William Henderson collection of playbills, etc. (various call numbers) After being compiled by William Henderson, these materials were at one time owned by the producer and playwright Augustin Daly.

Records of Drury Lane and Covent Garden Theatres (various call numbers) The majority of the Records of Drury Lane Theatre formed part of the Augustin Daly collection. For example see American Art Galleries auction catalog, March 20, 1900, no. 1051.

Other online finding guides

Augustin Daly entry in snac (Social Networks and Archival Contexts)

Paper finding aids in pdf format

Contents lists: books extra-illustrated for Daly by Augustus Toedtedberg

Read more about the Augustin Daly collection of Extra-illustrated books on the Folger's research blog, The Collation.

ART Vol. b23: As You Like It, vol. 1
ART Vol. b24: As You Like It, vol. 2
ART Vol. b25: Love's Labor's Lost
ART Vol. b26: Merchant of Venice, vol. 1
ART Vol. b27: Merchant of Venice, vol. 2
ART Vol. b28: Merry Wives of Windsor
ART Vol. b29: Much Ado About Nothing
ART Vol. b30: Taming of the Shrew
ART Vol. b31:The Tempest
ART Vol. b32: Twelfth Night, vol. 1
ART Vol. b33: Twelfth Night, vol. 2
ART Vol. b34: Two Gentlemen of Verona
ART Flat c18: Midsummer Night's Dream (acquired separately: no list yet)