An Ephemeris of the Certifiable Causes of the Commission of the Peace from June 1580, X.d.249
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This article features a transcription of a Folger Shakespeare Library manuscript, An Ephemeris of the Certifiable Causes of the Commission of the Peace, X.d.249, (1580-1588) featured in the Age of Lawyers Exhibition, September 12, 2015-January 3, 2016.
This is William Lambarde's signed journal of eight years of his work as justice of the peace in Kent, a note-taking project that he apparently continued in a second volume. This one covers the years from June 1580 to September 1588. The page at left mentions closing an unlicensed alehouse.
Below is a semi-diplomatic transcription of Folger manuscript X.d.249. The transcription below was created by the Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO) project. To access an image of the original leaf, click on each transcription's heading.
My father & I ioyned inCertifying our knowledge to the bishop
concerning the good behaviour of margaret Tebold, to be maryed or
Likewise bounde, and with them William page of
shorne gentleman, and Stephen Colte of the same yeoman,
as suerties, in the Like summes, and under the Like
The saied Lord and I, bounde Richard Williams of.
Higham yeoman in .100. marces to his good behavior,
but that was released.
Octob[e]r. The .3. of Octob[er]. my father in Law & I, bound
Walter pelsot aforsaid from keaping an Alehouse
any more: his suerties weare ^Reignold pelsot, Aastelyn and
Nicholas Miller, of Wrotham yeomen.
The .4. octob[er] I certified at the Quarter Sessions
the said recognusances of Walter pelsot, Thomas
Chambers, William Cosine, and Thomas Norham, for
not keeping Alehouses: and the said recognusances
of Iames hawkes, Thomas phigion, and George Colte,
for the keeping of good rule in theire Alehouses: and
the said recognusance of Ihon Sone, for his apparance
aforsaid: the said Walter pelsot, and Ihon Vsiner, of
Wrotham butchers being his suerties: which recognusance
was then forfait by his defalt of apparance.
The 25.Octob[er]. I delyvered to the Lord cheif Baron,
the said Examination of Ihon Sone aforsaid.
My father in law and I intreated Nordashe
of Kemsyng to give over Ale selling, by cause no alehous
had bene kept theare within the memorie of any man.
November The 25. Of Novemb[er ]. I and my father in Lawe took
ordre for the punishment of Ioane pitchefoord of
Seale widow, and Alice Hylles of the same towne,
for the bearing of two bastardes: and for the puni
shement of Thomas Byrd of the said towne Turner,
a Thomas pigeon late of the same towne Turner,
the reputed fathers of the said Bastardes: and accor
ding to that ordre the said Thomas & Alice Weare
sett in a cart at Sennock the next day, and the said
Joane skourged at the same cartes tayle theare: as
for pigeon he was fledd long before: wee then also
tooke .2. obligacions for the releif of that parishe, afor
the keeping of those Bastards. All which appeareth
in the Order or obligacions aforsaid.
The .29. November. my father in law & I, took ordre
for the punishement of Ihon Manser (alias Butcher)
late of Seale, and Ioane pierse of the same, for the
begetting & bearing of a Bastarde mayden chylde: accord
ding to which order the said Ioane was skourged at seale
the said day. as for Ihon he was fledd before, wee
then also tooke an obligacion ofher for the keaping of that
The same day we wrote our Lettres to Sir Thomas Walsing
ham, for the staying of mr Reig[nold] peckam, who was arre=
sted and brought to him by the name of Thom[as] Clarke.
The .30. of Nov[ember] . I ioyned with Sir Thomas Wals=
Ingham, in sending Reignold peckham aboue na=
med to the Lord cheif Baron to london, who
was apprehended in the Watche at footeseray
about .x. of the clock in the morning vpon the
monday before : the partes of this doing appearth
in my papiers of Notes therof.
The .s[ame]. day I served vnder the Lord Cobham, in some smalle
[mat]te[r] of [the] peace, whereof theare is no recorde. I sent (Torn in the left hand corner. Sentence continues on to the next page.)