Adding records to Islandora

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Generating records

  • Use bib hldgs pairs to generate records. Use script to generate bib hldgs pairs from call numbers if needed.
  • Extend the records to have the correct number of child records for each parent.
  • If imaging has generated rootfiles, add them to the child records.
    • Otherwise, send the records to imaging for rootfiling
    • Rename image files with rootfile names in IrfanView thumbnails

Importing records

  • Upload images to S3
  • Add S3 links to records
  • Upload spreadsheet to Islandora
    • After upload has processed, generate thumbnail for parent record

Useful scripts

Script to generate Islandora records from given holdings-bib pairs

Script to generate bib-holdings pairs from a list of call numbers

Dictionary of relator terms

List of Shakespeare quarto call numbers

Sample dictionary of holdings-bib ID pairs

Script to generate Islandora records from finding aid xml

Adding images to S3

Importing records to Islandora

Adding links to the catalog

Script to add links to the catalog using a CSV of link text and record IDs

Sample CSV file with link text and record IDs