The Play of Love (2017)

Folger Consort performed The Play of Love from April 28 to April 30, 2017 in the Folger's Elizabethan Theatre.

Consort Love.jpg

Medieval troubadours embody the image of courtly, chivalric love in the medieval period, skillfully blending music and poetry. This concert, closing a season of “Dramatic Musicke,” offers a sparkling assortment of passionate love songs, court and country dances, and selections from Adam de la Halle’s Play of Robin and Marion. With guest instrumentalist Shira Kammen on vielle and fiddle and the captivating duo of soprano Emily Noël and baritone Peter Becker.


Folger Consort

Artistic Directors

  • Robert Eisenstein: Violin
  • Christopher Kendall: Lute

Guest Artists

  • Peter Becker: Bass-Baritone
  • Shira Kammen: Multi-Instrumentalist
  • Emily Noel: Soprano

For further information, please visit the Folger site to learn more