Talk:Connexion client

Locked records

I added a step or two, but also put using the OCLC help button above the possibly intimidating instructions to move and rename files. My interactions with OCLC the last time I had a corruped file were extremely positive. They called me within an hour or two, had me send them the corrupted file, fixed it up and sent it back, and then emailed AND called to make sure it worked. Not everyone might be as eager as John Hosfeld and his assurances to ask for help anytime, but I got the definite sense that we needn't be shy about getting in touch after going through basic recovery procedures. --Deborah J. Leslie (talk) 11:22, 6 August 2014 (EDT)

Thanks! Good to know. --Erin Blake (talk) 15:10, 8 August 2014 (EDT)