Works of Margherita Costa in the Folger Collection

Revision as of 14:43, 3 September 2015 by OwenWilliams (talk | contribs) (addition of English titles and a few single-poem editions)

Margherita Costa (c. 1600 – after 1657) was an Italian Baroque singer, performer, and writer. Virginia Cox has described Costa as the "most distinctly 'seventeenth-century' of seventeenth-century female poets . . . , [whose works] are deserving of a far closer critical scrutiny than they have hitherto received" (213-214). Jessica Goethals and Sara Diaz have recently contributed to that critical work with their forthcoming edition and translation of Costa's The Buffoons in The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe series.

The Folger holds a significant collection of Costa's printed works, including

  • Istoria del viaggio d'Alemagna del serenissimo Gran Duca di Toscana Ferdinando Secondo, [The History of Grand Duke of Florence Ferdinando II's Trip to Germany], Venice, [1630?]. Folger call number: 223098
  • Il violino, [The Violin], Frankfurt: per Daniel Wastch, 1638. Folger call number: 199908. Electronic version through Harvard University Library.
  • Per l’incendio di Pitti, [On the Fire in Palazzo Pitti]. Florence: Nella Stamperia nuoua, 1638. Folger call number: 262- 664q
  • Flora feconda, poema, [Fertile Flora, A Poem], Florence: Massi e Landi, 1640. Folger call number: 181821
  • La selva di Cipressi, [The Cypress Forest], Florence, 1640. Folger call number: 178228. Electronic version through Harvard University Library.
  • Li buffoni: Comedia ridicola, [The Buffoons: A Ridiculous Comedy], Florence: Massi e Landi, 1641. Folger call number: 169572
  • La tromba di Parnaso, [The Trumpet of Parnassus], Paris, 1647. Folger call number: 212505.1
  • Festa reale per balletto a cavallo, [Royal Festivities for an Equestrian Ballet], Paris: Craimoisy, 1647. Folger call number: 212505.2
  • La selva di Diana, [The Forest of Diana], Paris: Craimoisy, 1647. Folger call number: 212505.3

The following titles would complete our Costa holdings:

  • La Santa Cecilia, poema sacro, [Saint Cecilia, A Sacred Poem], Rome: Mascardi, 1630
  • La chitarra, [The Guitar], Frankfurt: per Daniel Wastch, 1638
  • Lettere amorose, [Love Letters] (reprinted with some revisions in 1674), Venice, 1639
  • Lo stipo, [The Jewel Box], Venice, 1639
  • La flora feconda drama, [Fertile Flora, A Drama], Florence: Massi e Landi, 1640
  • Cecilia martire poema sacro, [Cecilia the Martyr, A Sacred Poem], Rome: Mascardi, 1644. Electronic version through Harvard University Library.
  • Gli amori della luna, [Lovers of the Moon], Venice: Giuliani, 1654

Single Poem Editions:

  • Al serenissimo Ferdinando II, Gran Duca di Toscana, per la festa di San Giovanni Battista, Venice [np, nd].
  • Al serenissimo principe Gio. Carlo di Toscana, per la carica di generalissimo del mare conferitagli dalla M. Cattolica, Florence, Massi & Landi [np, nd].
  • Al serenissimo Ferdinando II, Gran Duca di Toscana, nel giorno della sua nascita, Florence: Landi, 1655.


Cox, Virginia, Women's Writing in Italy, 1400–1650, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.

Natalia Costa-Zalessow, "Margherita Costa." In Seventeenth-Century Italian Poets and Dramatists. Dictionary of Literary Biography. Gale, 2008: 113-18.