W.S. Merwin

W.S. Merwin has read for the O.B. Hardison Poetry Series on numerous occasions: November 16, 1979, November 16, 1983, April 20, 1995, October 16, 1998 and May 3, 2010.

W.S. Merwin. Mark Hanauer.

Illuminating and nuanced, Merwin’s poetry explores the diaphanous layers between heaven and earth. His books of poetry include The Carrier of Ladders, awarded the 1970 Pulitzer Prize; Migration: Selected Poems, which won the 2005 National Book Award; and The Shadow of Sirius, which was awarded the 2009 Pulitzer Prize. His most recent collection is Present Company. Merwin is also the recipient of the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize and the 2004 Lannan Lifetime Achievement Award. On June 1, 2010, he was named the 17th Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry of the United States.

Click here to listen to W.S. Merwin discuss form with the poet Stanley Plumly, here to listen to him read his poem Blueberries After Dark and here to listen to him read his poem The Nomad Flute at the Folger on May 3, 2010.

Visit his Poetry Foundation page for more information.