
Revision as of 12:12, 26 October 2018 by HeatherWolfe (talk | contribs) (added a transcribathon)

A transcribathon is an event running for a pre-determined number of hours (generally, 3-12 hours), in which participants transcribe and encode manuscripts, individually or in small groups, in the same room or across many rooms simultaneously.

If you are interested in hosting an EMMO transcribathon at your institution, please contact Heather Wolfe ( EMMO transcribathons generally involve food, fun, entertaining manuscripts, transcription sprints, prizes, and an easy-to-use online transcription platform called Dromio. We tailor the manuscript content and the difficulty of the handwriting to the needs of the host institution, and offer a short tutorial in deciphering secretary hand if desired.

Transcriptions from past and future EMMO transcribathons will be added to Early Modern Manuscripts Online.

Resources developed by EMMO partners for using Dromio during transcribathons:

A timeline of EMMO transcribathons:

Transcribathons using Dromio, the Folger's online transcription tool (this list is not exhaustive because we can't keep track of all of them; let us know if you would like to be added to this list!):

Further links:

BBC World News: Cookbook features recipes to cure the plague
VCU Transcribathon: Creating and empowering a community of new paleographers
VCU Transcribathon: Can you read early modern English?
The Community of the Transcribathon
Wellesley Transcribathon
The Collation EMMO
Liza Blake's post on hosting a transcribathon for EMROC