MARC 368 Other Attributes of Person or Corporate Body

MARC field 368 in the authority format contains information about attributes that serve to characterize a person or corporate body or that may be needed for differentiation from other persons or corporate bodies and for which separate content designation is not already defined.

  • For a person: Can include designations of the title of a person or other attributes.
  • For a corporate body: Can include designations indicating the type of corporate body or jurisdiction, or other attributes.

This field is repeatable.

Commonly-used tags



Subfield delimiters

ǂa Type of corporate body (R)
ǂb Type of jurisdiction (R)
ǂc Other designation (R)
ǂd Title of person (R)
ǂs Start period (NR)
ǂt End period (NR)
ǂ2 Source (NR)

Policy and formulation

  • Routinely add fields 046, 368, 370, 377
  • The terms used here will probably correlate to terms used in 374 for persons


External links