Letter from William Bagot to Walter Bagot, 1622/3 February 27, L.a.182

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This article features a transcription of a Folger Shakespeare Library manuscript, Letter from William Bagot to Walter Bagot, L.a.182, ( February 27, 1622/3), featured in the Age of Lawyers Exhibition, September 13, 2015-January 3, 2016.

More manuscripts from this collection can be found in the Guide to the Papers of the Bagot Family. More transcriptions from this collection can be found on the Papers of the Bagot Family Folgerpedia page.

Sir Walter Bagot's youngest son, William, who was about six when his brother Lewis died, handled his living arrangements with confidence. After a few years at Oxford, he enrolled at the Inner Temple in 1622. This letter from 1623 asks his father for money to pay for his meals in advance.


Below is a semi-diplomatic transcription of folio 1 recto of Folger manuscript L.a.182. The transcription below was created by the Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO) project. To access an image of the original leaf, click on each transcription's heading.

L.a.182, Folio 1 recto


ffather ) I heare (to my greate greife) the sorrowfull newes of my Sister in lawes

death, of whonce you haue a greate losse, any Brother a greater, and his children

the greatest of all: yet I doubte not, but you, see, and they, will so conceaue of it as

done by the will of God, which mortalitie is not able to resist, and therefore your

greife may be the lesse. I thanke God ) I like my liueing heare very well, but I

feare I shall be very chargeable to you, especially for my diet, which I know

not how to remedie, for our commons ordinariely amounte to seauen shillings

a weeke, and at grande weekes, and Readeings, and other expensiue times, to

much more. My three halfe peeces which Edwarde wright left with me, are

almoste all disbursed for commons, as will appeare vnto you, by this note

here inclosed; wherefore I woulde intreate you to sende me vp some moniie

by the next conuenient messenger, to discharge the house for my commons

now to come, for though I coulde be trusted for a quarter of a yeare to

gaether, yet if monie be to be had, it is nether so good husbandrie, nor so

much for a mans credit, to be trusted, as to paye at the weeke, or the

fortnights ende. And so rememberinge my humble dutie to you, with daylie

prayers to God for your health, I rest.

Inner Temple this 27th

of ffebruarie 1622.

Your dutiefull and obedient

sonne William Bagott


To the Worshipfull his verie loueinge

ffather, Walter Bagot

Esquier, at Blithfeilde

in Staffordshire

these delivered