By-Laws of the Borough of Warwick, Warwickshire, 1571-1664, Z.d.10

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To the honour of [almi]ghtye god in due obedyence to our souer[eign]
the maiestrates & mutuall societye betwene man & man and for the conty[nued]
prosperytie of the Inhabytantes of the borough of Warwik Certeyn orders
devysed & agreid vppon The effect wherof folowith breifly in articles viz
The othe of the Bailieff _________________________________________________________1
The othe of euery principall Burgeys______________________________________________ 2
What propertyes in hym that shulde be chosen baylieff or burgeis are to be required_________3
That euery bailieff & Burgeis doo comes to churche in tyme of dyvyne seruice_____________4
What apparell euery burgeis shall weare & use______________________________________ 5
That the Burgessis vse diligent obedyence to the bailieff_______________________________6
That the Burgeisses attend on the bailief at certen especiall tymes _______________________7
That the Burgeisses attend on the baylief at faires & specyall proclamacions_______________8
The parte of euery burgeis hearing the bailief euyll spoken of__________________________ 9
The burgeis dylygence to appeace frayes nere his dwelling____________________________ 10
The behavyour of euery Burgeise in conseltacions___________________________________12
Appeasing of quarelles emonges burgeisseis________________________________________11
Order of speaking in consultacions & metynges_____________________________________13
The placing of bailief & Burgeisses at their metynges________________________________14
The electyd bailief to prepare hymself to take the office at haloutyde____________________15
euery bailieff to put in bande to make Acompt for his baliwik_________________________ 16
What apparell & staff the bailief shall weare_______________________________________ 17
The bailief to kepe the Court of recorde weikly_____________________________________18
The bailieff to be in the market in the markett tyme_________________________________ 19
Examynacion of felons & Suspectes_____________________________________________ 20
parambulacyons to be made about the libertyes ones euery yere_______________________ 21
Survey to be made of tenementes within the borough yerely___________________________22
Survey of the possessions lieng out of the Town ones in three yere______________________23
That the bailieff cause a hall or metyng of the burgessis ones euery moneth_______________24
Sessions for meaures & weightes to be kept twise euery yere __________________________25
Bredd of bakers to be weid wekely_______________________________________________26
The balief to appoynt a deputye in his absence to exercise his office____________________ 27
What auctoryty the baliefes deputy shall have______________________________________28
The ponishment of persones vsing extorcion in their offices__________________________ 29
ponishment for such of the company as shall vtter any Counsaill_______________________30
ponishment for such as shall graunt their good Willes out of the house__________________ 31
ponishment for such as shall consent to surrender the corporacion or doo practise any thinges prouidiciall or hurtfull to the same corporacion or borough__________________32
Confirmacion of the said Articles________________________________________________33
Confirmacion of such orders as hereafter shalbe made by the nowe balieffes Burgeiseis or by their Successours_______________________________________________34