Allowance of £58 to Thomas Reve, upon His petition, 1568 March 27, X.d.329

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This article features a transcription of a Folger Shakespeare Library manuscript, Allowance to Thomas Reve upon his petition, X.d.329, (March 27, 1568), featured in the Age of Lawyers Exhibition, September 12, 2015-January 3, 2016.

The Exchequer primarily dealt with revenue cases, which often required research. In 1568, according to this approved petition for payment, the court hired Thomas Reve to find records related to the queen's woods south of the River Trent.


Below is a semi-diplomatic transcription of Folger manuscript X.d.329. The transcription below was created by the Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO) project. To access an image of the original leaf, click on each transcription's heading.

X.d.329, letter side

The Peticion of Thomas Reve Martij. 1568

Thesaide Thomas desirith to have allowance for his attending

on Roger Taverner generall Surueior of the Quenes maiesties

Woodes on thisside trent by the space of xlti daies in serching

out of divers recordes touching the state of divers the Quenes

maiesties Parkes fforrestes and chasis
Allow for

this the

somm of vjli xiijs iiijd

Also he desirith to have allowance for the Writing of dyvers

and sondry copies out of thesaide recordes for thesaide Roger

Taverner Which copies amounte in thole to Ciiijxx shetes of paper

as by a bill subscribid With thande of thesaide Roger Taverner

more playnlie maie appere All which thinges thesaide Thomas

didde by vertue of a Warrant to hym directid datid xxix°

Januarij 1565. and subscribid with thandes of the right

honorable the Marques of Winchester Lord Tresaurer of

Englande and Sir walter Mildmay knight Chauncellor

of the Quenes maiesties Courte of Thexchequyer.

Allow for

this forty


Also he desirith to have allowance for hym self and his

company aswell for the removing of the recordes out of

the Lower Tresaury within the Abbey of Westminster which

Laie verie vnorderlie as also for the sorting and plasying of

thesame in moche better order. Viz for.

Humfrey Shelton man xli

Thomas Reve officiar xli

Anthony knyvet xli

William Staunton Minster xli

Nicholas Craiford xli
Allow to

Reve in

prest for

this xli

Also thesaide Thomas Reve desirith to have allowance

for the making of a repertorie for the better and redier

fynding of all maner of Leagues and Entercourses betwixt

Prynce and Prynce.
The travill and paynes afore remembrid they [sic.] saide Thomas

did take by vertue of a warrant to hym directid datid

xxvto Iunij 1567 and subscribid with thandes of the right

Honorable the Marques of Wynchester Lord Tresaurer

of Englande and Sir walter Mildmay knyght Chauncelor

of the Quenes maiesties Courte of Thexchequyer.

Winchester Record.

Wa: Mildmaye

Mr Stonley I prey you make

payment hereof Humfrey Shelton

Notes in margin and at bottom by Sheldon. Signed by Winchester and Milmay.