Poetical and Prose Miscellany ca.1580-1800 V.a.307
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Who lookes aloft
Whoe lookes alofte shall daunger finde
Whoe lookes to lowe disgrace shall haue
Whoe lookes to ofte must nedes be blynde
Whoe neuer lookes nede neuer craue
Whoe wynkes for wyles and dare not looke
leaste subtyll syghte his fancye gall
him selfe beguiles and getts the hooke
for wante of syghte that makes him fall
For equall choyse no prayse dothe gaine
and love to lowe deseruethe skorne
A loftye lykynge getts disdayne
thus is the badge of fancye worne
Iudge not amiss thinke as you wyll
the fairest wood in parke you fynde
be suer of this I meane no ill
fairewell be good you knowe my mynde
Thoughe Reuellers in woods that rauge
doe pass awaye withoute regarde
And thinke yt Tryin in game to change
there hartes for euerye common carde
Yet when the waller dothe beholde
to pryse the wood that erste was sene
he rather seekes to haue yt solde
then styll to see yt growe to grene
He vewes the parke in compasse rownde
and woodes where in the hartes do dwell
buy staye I here a heauenlye sownde
Try or you truste in haiste fairewell
Will Tout ce que luit n'est d'or Parkyn
Where I coulde I care not Wher I woulde I dare not (note: this final line is written vertically, at the right of the main text)
I wolde yt were not as Iyt is thinke
I wolde yt were not soe
I am not blyunde allthoughe I wynke
I fele what wyndes do blowe
I knowe where crafte with smylinge chere
crepes into boldned brest
I here howe fayned speche speakes faire
Where hatred is posseste
I see the serpente lye & lurke
under the grene alowe
I se him watche a tyme to worke
his poyson to bestowe
In frendlye lookes suche fraud is founde
as faithe for feare is fledd
& frendshipp hathe received such wounde
as he is allmoste deade
and haitefull hearte with malice greate
so boyles in cancred mynde
that flattery fleering in the face
had allmoste maid me blynde
But nowe I see all is not golde
that glyttereth in the eye
Nor yet suche frendes as they professe
as nowe by profe I trye
Though secret spyght by crafte have maid
a cote of painted skyn
And thinkes to fynde me in the shade
by sleight to wrapp me in
Yet god be praised myne eies is clere
& can beholde the sonne.
When falshood dare not once appeare
to ende that he begunne
Thus tyme shall trye the thinge amysse
which god save shortely sende
And turne the harte that fayned is
to be a faithfull frende
finis W Hannis
9. De Articulis Fidei
The Writing of this Creed being almost=
worn out, take as follows,
I byleue stedfastely in my Lord god-
almighty that is fadur & sone and holy goost
thre persones and on god I beleue that his
Sone tooke fleesche & blood in our lady clene
modur wiif & mayden by lygeyns of the
holy goost as his wills was I byleue that-
goddis sone suffryd also deeth for me-
& alle mankynde and also I beleue that
he was in pye the sepulcur that his soule-
went down to helle & brougt out soulis
that weren therinne & that he roos from
deeth to lyue on the thridde day & he stey to
heuene on hooly thursday & set hym on
his fadur rigt hond & that he schal comen
agen to the general iudgement to reward
yche man aftur his deseruyng I by
byleue in....sacrament of hooly church
a gift of the fadur & of the son & of the hooly
goost thre persones in a godhed I byleue
also in hooly chirch ordrynge us I beleue
in the Sacrament of goddis flesche & his
blood that toe heade on the blessed....
rood tre for me and for alle man
loquor (note: the Latin loquor is written in the bottom right hand corner, it means 'I speak' or 'I am speaking.)