Petition Against Lady Bacon and Sir Owne Smith
Lady Elizabeth Knyvet (1575?–1632)
Petition Against Lady Bacon and Sir Owen Smith, Addressed to Thomas Coventry, Lord Keeper
With letter from Arthur Bickerton
ca. 1630
This article features a transcription of a Folger Shakespeare Library manuscript, Petition Against Lady Bacon and Sir Owen Smith, L.d.639, featured in the Age of Lawyers Exhibition, September 13, 2015-January 3, 2016.
Below is a semi-diplomatic transcription of folio 1r of Folger manuscript L.d.639. The transcription below was created by the Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO) project. To access an image of the original leaf, click on each transcription's heading.
L.d.639, folio 1 recto
To the Right Honorable Thomas Lord Coventer
Lord Keeper of the Greate Seale of England
The humble Petition of Elizabeth Ladie Knyvett and others
plaintiffs Against the Ladie Bacon and Sir Owen Smith Knight Defendentes
Humbly sheweth
That whereas this cause consisting of matter of Accompt standeth referred by
your Lordshipps Order to Mr Page one of the Masters of the Court before whome there
haue been many meetings by both parties and their Counsell, wherein the Master
haveing by his paines brought the same neere to a Conclusion in Michaelmas Tearme
it was then conceyved on all parts that two dayes more before the saide Master
might end the same, And was therefore by the saide Master with the consent of the
Counsell and Sollicitors on both sides, referred till the first Tewesday of this
Tearme; and then noe time to bee pretermitted for finishing thereof. Yett at the
saide daie (notwithstandinge that the Master had then wholly disposed of himselfe
for this cause; and the Counsell and Sollicitor for the plaintiffs attended the same)
Yett neverthelesse the Defendents, their Counsell, nor Sollicitors came not, wherebythe
hearinge and conclusion thereof was then delayed by their default, wherevppon
the plaintiffs Sollicitor afterwards meetinge with the Sollicitor for the Defendente earnest
ly desired him that he would assent to some other day before the ending of this
Tearme for a finall hearing thereof before the saide Master, for that the plaintiffs
Counsell (which they relyed vppon) could not stay after the tearme to attend it,
But the Defendents Sollicitor would not assent thereto, but hath since been with
the saide Master, and suggestinge to him the assent of the plaintiffs Sollicitor
hath procured a new warrant for hearinge of the saide cause vppon the
Monday and Tewesday after this Tearme whereas before ^hee understood that the
plaintiffs Counsell could not then attend the same, And endeavor to inforce the
plaintiffs to those dayes of attendance by some direccion from your Lordshipp
as they pretend.
May it therefore please your good Lordshipp that since it hath
been delayed this whole Tearme by the Defendents default, and
soe stands that of Necessitie the plaintiffs Counsell instructed,
cannot after the end of the Tearme attend the same, That
the farther proceedings therein may bee respected vntill the
begininge of the next Tearme: And the Master directed to
appoint then a new and finall day for this cause. And your
Petitioners shall euer pray for your Lordshipps happines and
encrease of honour.
Note: The following is written vertically to the right of the main body of text -
I came to acquinte you what ill sucksesse my Lady hath
Likewyse had with my Lordship concerninge your peticion, I assure
you shee endeuored what shee could, & shee was pleased to
call mee in to assiste her in expleaineinge to your Desire, but
all that wee could say would not prevaile with him to alter
the time appoynted but wished vs both to rest satisfied
for hee was asshamed that any cause that any cause should
Depend soe Longe in refference, & sayd it were in iustice in him
to gaine way to any Longer Delay and that it were better the Ladye
Note: The following is written vertically to the left of the main body of text -
knevett should be at the charge to keepe her Counsell
in towne a moneth then hee should be the cause to delay
it vntill the next Tearme, and this was his the conclustion
of his resolution, and soe beinge sorye I could doe you
noe better service herein, will euer remaine
you r assured servant
Arthur Bickerton