Bibliography of Aesopian Works Created before 1600

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According to Liza Blake and Kathryn Vomero Santos, "Aesop is unique among classical authors as they were received by Renaissance humanists, because his corpus — if you believe ‘him’ to have existed at all — was distributed and uncertain" ("Introduction," Arthur Golding's A Moral Fabletalk and Other Renaissance Fable Translations, Ed. Liza Blake and Kathryn Vomero Santos. Cambridge: MHRA, 2017, 10). As far as we know, Aesop isn't the "author" of any of the surviving texts we have: the oldest texts we have are the Greek authors Gabrius/Babrius and Phaedrus, hence why they, not Aesop, get a Loeb volume. That Aesop is given as author for some texts not others is a cataloging irregularity, not a clear (or accurate) reflection of his authorship.

Fabule Esopi cum co[m]mento.
[London]: [Wynkyn de Worde], [1514?]
Folger call number: STC 169.2

Aesopi Phrygis Fabulae : elegantissimis eiconibus veras animaliu[m] species ad viuu[m] adumbrantes : Gabriae Graeci fabellae XXXXIIII: Batrachomyomachia Homeri, hoc est, Ranarum & murium pugna: Galeōmyomachia, hoc est, Felium & murium pugna, tragoedia Graeca: haec omnia cum Latina interpretatione: nunc primùm accesserunt Auieni antiqui autoris fabulae nusquam antehac editae.
Lugduni: Apud Ioannem Tornaesium ..., M.D.LXX. [1570]
Folger call number: PA3851 .A2 1570 Cage

Aesopi Phrygis vita et fabulae / à viris doctiss. in Latinam linguam conuersae; Apologi ex Chiliadibus adagiorum Erasmi; Ex Lamia Politiani, Crinito, Iohanne Antonio Campano, Gellio, Gerbellio, Mantuano & Horatio; Fabulae Aniani, Hadriano Barlando, & Guilelmo Hermanno interpretibus; Fabulae item Laur. Abstemij.
Lutetiae: Ex officina Rob. Stephani typographi Regij, M. D. XLV [1545]
Folger call number: 263851