Diaries of Richard Stonley, ca.1581–1598 V.a.460, 4v–5r
For related articles, consult Manuscripts (disambiguation).
Below is a semi-diplomatic transcription of an extract from the Diaries of Richard Stonley, ca.1581-1598, 4v-5r. V.a.460
This was originally created as part of the Practical Paleography Series, sponsored by EMMO.
May 1593 Die Solis 20 Maij
Cato Sermones Blandos blesosque cauere memento
Simplicitas Veri fana est fraus ficta loquendi
Trothes tales ys playne and Simple withowt
euery flatteringe where as feyre flattering
spechel Lyeth commonly in a way cato distenethe
Take hede therfore of feyre and lisping wordes
that thow be not defrauded
This day after mornning preyer I kept home at
my bookes with thankes to god at night Strangers
at Dyner Mr Heigham Mr Puxley at Supper
the same with Mr Newman
Die Luna 21 Maij
Cato Segnitiem fugito quae vitae ignauia fertur
nam cum animus languet consumit inertia corpus
A Slowthful and Ilde Lyf ys to be fledd, for
when the mynd ys vnlustye then doth
Idleness consume the bodye
This day after mornning preyer I went to Westminster
kept ther till xj came bake to dyner kept home
all the After none with thankes to god at night
Strangers at Dyner & Supper Mr Heighham
Die Martis 22 Maij
Cato Interpone tuis interdum gaudia curis
vt posses animo quemuis suffere laborem.
The mynd worred with serious affayers must
sometyme be refresshed with honest & moderate
pleasures the better to be able to endure labors
for as the poete writith Quod caret alterna requies
Ouide durabile non est. Nothing withowt interchangable
rest can endure
Wyne for wyne vjs iiijd
Bote hier for Bote hier iijd
Iren work for Iren work jd
Vittell for vitell vjd
for vittell xvd
sertificath To the Auditor for the sertificathe
of the Subsidy xijd
May 1593
This day after mornninge preyer I kept home at
my bookes with thankes to god at night Strangers
at Dyner Mr Heigham Mr Newman the same
at Supper
Die Marcurij 23 Maij
Cato Alterius dictum aut factum ne carpseris vnquam
Exemplo simili ne te derideat alterque
Checke not at euery tyme another mans woorde
or dede. Lest with Like example another man
To Iohn Danson for a Cloke cloth
for Roger xxxjs viijd
To Mr Hunt of Mr Osburns office
for his Lettre to the Baly of Barkinge
to stay the distreyninge of my
Landes ther or in Esham vs
This day after mornning preyer I went to westminster kept ther
till xj & came home to dyner kept ther all the after none
with thankes to god at night Strangers at Dyner Mr Heigham
the same at Supper with both Doctor donne & Mr Newman
Die Iouis 24 Maij Asention day
Que tibi sors dederit tabula suprema notato
Augendo serua ne sis quem fama loquatur
Such thinges as heritage or Executorship which here is
called sors suprema, hath brought vnto the beinge [.....]
or written in the Table Testamentary or Last will of
thyne Ancestrie or frend kept them well with
Augmenting the same rather the deminishing
Lest thow be suche one as the fama shall speake on
This day after mornning preyer I kept home readinnge
of the Scriptures with thankes to god at night
Strangers at dyner Mr Heigham William Hildrope
At Supper Mr Heigham and Mr Iohn Blount Peter
Wenson & uxor